Nines is Gone PT1

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Word count: 1570 (5 pages-)


Warning: Kidnapping

Gavin set his tablet down with a sigh, rubbing his eyes as he leaned back in his chair. "What time is it, Nines?" He asked aloud as his eyes closed.

"11:57" The android responded. "Are we planning on going home anytime soon, Gavin? Our shift ended two hours ago."

"Androids are fuckin' disappearing, Nines. I don't plan to go home until these androids are found and brought home." The detective said, picking up his tablet again. "If you want to go into sleep mode, go ahead, I've got work to do."

"I'm going to go home," Nines stood up, picking up his white denim jacket that was resting on the back of his chair.

"What?" Gavin stood up as well, stepping in front of his boyfriend. "We walked to work today though, you're going to walk home by yourself in the dark?"

"I'll be fine, Gavin. I've walked home many times by myself. I'm also a highly advanced android that can easily protect myself." The deviant gave his lover a smile, leaning forward to kiss the shorter human's cheek.

"I know that, asshat, but there's someone kidnapping androids in our area. I really don't want to take that chance."

"I'm going to be fine, Gav. It's a 15 minute walk on a very lit road." Gavin sighed, leaning his head against Nines' shoulder.

"God I hate you." He sighed, "Text me when you get to the building, okay?" The android wrapped his arms around his boyfriend.

"I will, I promise" The two shared a quick kiss before Nines pulled away, making his way to the door. The detective watched as his lover left, smiling to himself as he wondered how he got so lucky. He sat back down in his chair, setting his phone onto his desk.

"You two are the cutest" Gavin turned in his chair, looking at Tina, sipping from a purple coffee cup.

"Shut up, Tina" He chuckled, turning back around, his friend leaned against the desk.

"What? I'm just telling the truth! I can tell you guys are happy together. Why didn't you go home with him?" She asked, watching the brunette sigh as he set his tablet down.

"I just want to find these androids, help them get home."

"So you're going to work yourself to death and then never find them? Gav, you need to rest to have a sharper mind, and other detectives are looking into this too." Gavin turned his head away, looking towards the wall.

"People are missing their loved ones, I want to make sure they get found before they lose them for good. I know if I was missing Nines I would tear Detroit apart until I got him back." He looked back towards his desk, a picture of the two at the park. It was a rainy day, he was pissed about it because they were supposed to be having a picnic that day. Instead of going home, Nines stepped out of the car with a smile on his face.

"Just because it's raining, doesn't mean our day is ruined." He said, making his way towards the empty playground. Instead of having a picnic, the two played on the playground like children. They were sitting on the swings when the android started to swing side to side, pulling out his boyfriend's phone until he was close enough to Gavin. He pressed a kiss into the detective's cheek when he snapped the picture, it was the happiest the two of them had been in years.

"Nines is my everything.. He can turn one bad situation into the best in a split second" Suddenly Gavin's phone began to ring, he looked at the caller ID, reading 'Plastic Prick❤️' "Speak of the devil" He answered the phone with a smile. "Home already?"

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