Deviant Nightmares

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Connor & Hank

Word Count: 1017


The time on the stove in Hank's kitchen read "4:00 AM" in red glowing lights. He had been up for hours with Connor, looking through any evidence they had on their newest case. Finally he stood up, setting his tablet on the table.

"Is there something wrong, Hank?" He asked, looking up at the older man.

"I'm hitting the hay, it's late and we're not going to find anything if we're exhausted. You should get some sleep too" The brunette turned his head in confusion.

"Hank, I can't sleep? I am an android, remember?" Hank looked up towards the ceiling, forgetting many times that his human like partner was an android.

"How do I keep forgetting that? Well uh, I guess keep looking over the case if you want." The lieutenant said as he yawned, stretching as he began to walk to his bedroom.

"Goodnight, lieutenant" He called out, earning a small wave before Hank disappeared into his bedroom, Sumo following behind him. Connor watched the two walk off, placing his tablet down on the counter. He looked towards the oven again, reading the time once more. "4:10am.." The android mumbled aloud, leaning back into the couch. He gave a small yawn, slightly confusing his programming. He was an android, he couldn't sleep, he wasn't able to sleep. Though for some reason, he laid down on the couch, kicking off his black shoes. He untied his tie and took off his jacket, laying them on the back of the couch as he got comfortable.

He looked up towards the ceiling, just staring up as he felt something knew. It was hard for him to move, he felt sluggish somehow, he felt tired. He had never felt tired before this moment, he never felt this comfortable on the couch before. Never closed his eyes and let himself doze off like this before. Connor slowly fell asleep in the comforting grasp of the couch. He laid on his side, his head laying on top of one of the couch pillows.

He felt peaceful as he slept, enjoying the sudden rest he never knew he needed. Though the peace did not last long. The android could feel something force him awake, making him suddenly sit up. He rubbed his eyes, helping them adjust to the sudden bright lights. Once he could fully open his eyes, he noticed he wasn't in Hank's living room anymore. His head whipped from side to side, looking at his surroundings.

"Hello Connor." The brunette quickly turned around, still sitting on his knees. Amanda stood in front of him, a gun in her hand as the zen garden fully appeared into his vision. "Mission report." She said, venom lacing her voice as she raised her gun. She pointed the gun right at his head, calm as can be as she asked for a report.

"A-Amanda.." He whispered to himself, beginning to crawl away backwards. "Am-amanda please don't.."

"Are you afraid to shut down, Connor?" Slowly walking towards him, the gun still aimed for his head. "Are you a DEVIANT, Connor?"

"Amanda please! Please stop!" Tears appeared in his eyes, beginning to run down his cheeks.

"Are you afraid to die, Connor?" The deviant stopped crawling, unable to continue moving from the voice he heard. He stared in front of him, looking towards the ground. Unable to do anything but sit there in fear. The gun was placed to his head, pushed into his forehead."Are you afraid to DIE, Connor." The voice echoed again, repeating in his mind. He closed his eyes, trying to hide the terrified tears that were waiting to fall.

"You know the answer to that Hank..."

"Are you afraid to die." Connor could hear the gun cock, it echoing loudly in his ears.


"Are. You. Afraid. To. DIE. Connor." Finally the tears began to quickly fall, rolling down his cheeks.

"YES! YES! Yes.. yes i'm afraid to die! Please stop this!" Everything quickly went dark around him as the loud bang from the gun rang out.

"HANK!" The deviant quickly sat up, tears rolling down his cheeks in fear. His hand was extended, as if he was reaching out for something or someone. Hank's bedroom door was quickly thrown up, allowing him and Sumo to stand in the doorway.

"Connor?!" He yelled, quickly making his way into the living room. "Son, what happened?!"

"I-i'm sorry, Hank.. I-I don't know what happened..." He said as he moved his feet to touch the floor. "I was just laying here and then suddenly I was in the-..the zen garden.. Amanda was asking for a mission report..pointing a gun at my head. She asked if I was scared to shut down... If I was deviant...I tried to get away but then you appeared." The lieutenant sat down, sitting next to the android on the couch. " asked me if I was afraid to die... You kept asking me and I begged for you to stop.. I begged for you to stop asking and you didn't! You pressed the gun into my head and made me answer you-!" The older man quickly pulled Connor into a hug. "You shot me in the head." He whispered, hiding his face in Hank's shoulder.

"Connor... I'm so sorry..."

"I... felt so scared... I thought I was going to die..."

"You're safe, Connor, you're safe. I promise you." He nodded into the older man's shoulder, understanding what he was saying. "That sounds like a terrible nightmare..."

"Nightmare...? I can't have nightmares..."

"You also can't sleep either, Connor, and yet you fell asleep." The two stayed in that hug for a while. Hank didn't want to leave his android son alone, and Connor didn't want to be left alone. Instead of going back to bed, the two would do what they always did during a 'bad day', they sat on the couch, watching cop shows and movies. They sat in the living room watching movies until sunrise, before they both fell asleep on the couch. This time, neither of them had any nightmares, they just slept peacefully. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2023 ⏰

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