Nines' Computer Virus

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Word count: 1401


The clock slowly ticked by as Gavin read through file after file on new cases. Between human and android cases, they all were gruesome, ending with one person all bloody on the side of the road. "People just can't stop fuckin' killing each other" Reed said aloud, waiting for the sarcastic response from his android but earned nothing. "No bullshit response, Tincan?" He looked away from his tablet to look at Nines desk across from him. He expected to see the android flipping him off or just completely ignoring him, instead he saw the android 'sleeping' as his desk. "Typical" Gavin stood from his chair, moving to stand by Nines. He kicked at the wheels watching the prototype shoot up from his position.

"It was Gavin!-" Was the first thing Nines said as he woke, looking around for the culprit who woke him from rest mode. His led spun from red back to yellow as he flipped his partner off.

"No sleeping on the job, you plastic prick." He chuckled to himself, watching the tired android lay his head back on the desk. "You okay?"

"Fuck off, Gavin" Nines groaned, hiding his face from the bright lights that were somehow hurting his eyes.

"I'm being serious, asshat. You look like shit." He bent down by the deviants desk, crouching to be more on Nines' level. "What's going on?"

"Nothin', batteries are just low." His voice slurred in response, concerning Gavin even more.

"Nines," He began, watching as the android turned his head to face him. "Are you sick?" Nines sat up, beginning to laugh loud enough that most of the precinct could hear it. "I'm being serious, what if you have some kind of android virus?"

"Androids can't get sick, we're androids, dumbass"

"Well you're deviant now, maybe deviants can get sick" The two stared at each other for a minute. "Computers can get viruses though too so maybe that's why?" Nines still didn't respond, letting awkward silence fill the area. "Stop fucking staring at me, prick."

"Fuck off already, Gavin. I'm not sick, i can't-" Suddenly the android began to cough, he turned into his sleeve, letting his dry, painful coughs out. "Can't-can't get sick" His led flashed red again as he coughed before going back to yellow again.

"Uh huh, it's not like you're stubborn ass is sitting here dying"

"I'm fine, I told you, batteries low" He laid his head back down on his arms, hiding his face from the bright lights.

"Bullshit. Nines, you have some kind of virus and need to go home."


"Nines, you're sick, we only have a half hour left of work and we're going home." Gavin grabbed his arm, pulling the ill android up from his chair. He went to let go, feeling Nines begin to fall forward. "Shit-" Instead of letting him fall to the floor, Reed quickly grabbed the 'plastic prick', letting him lean on him.

"Let go of me" Nines pushed away from the human, beginning to fall backwards until someone grabbed his hand.

"Stop being an ass for five minutes and let me help you" The deviant sighed, leaning against Gavin again. "Let me get my stuff together then we're going to go home. You can barely stand." With an annoyed huff from Nines, he sat back down, waiting for his partner to grab his jacket and anything else he'd need. His eyes slowly began to descend closed as he waited, hugging himself as he began to feel a bit chilly. "Hey prick" He opened his eyes again, getting a Gavin's jacket thrown at his face.

"Why are you giving me this?"

"You look cold, put it on already so we can get out of here." With a roll of his eyes, Nines put the jacket on, enjoying the slight warmth it brought him. "Alright, let's get out of here already" He was offered a hand up, letting him lean most of his weight onto the human once again. With much struggle, the two made their way to Gavin's car, a beat up red sedan.

"When are you going to get this shitty ass car fixed?" Nines asked as he was helped into the car.

"When you stop being a plastic asshole" Reed replied before closing the car door and making his way to the driver seat. The drive back to Gavin's apartment was about 20 minutes, 20 minutes of Nines peacefully relaxing in sleep mode while the detective tried to focus on driving. He couldn't help but keep glancing at the sleeping android, chuckling a bit as his head leaned against the window.

"Nines," Gavin spoke aloud, watching as his robot partner's eyes began to open. "We're almos-'' His sentence was interrupted by a painful coughing fit. Nines leaned forward, his voice sounding like he swallowed a bunch of nails while he coughed. When he finished he leaned back, his eyes half lidded. "We're almost home, I just gotta find us a parking spot" The detective explained, shooting his partner a worried glance. All the android replied with was a thumbs up and a small smile on his face as his eyes painfully closed again.

Lucky for the two, there was an empty space right by the stairs, making it easier for the both of them. Gavin glanced back at Nines once more, noticing how worse his illness seemed to have gotten. As soon as they parked, the sick android opened the door, struggling to get out of the car.

"Asshole, hold on." He sighed, quickly making his way over to Nines' side of the car. "Fucking idiot" The human took his partners hand, trying to help him to stand. "Nines, you have to fucking chill before you hurt yourself more." In one swift motion, Gavin picked Nines up bridal style, watching his cheeks dust blue.

"Se-set me down, Gavin!"

"You can barely walk, dipshit. Just fucking relax" Without any argument, the android laid his head on the detectives shoulder, making him worry more than before.

"Thank you, Gav.." He said as his eyes began to descend closed again. Gavin couldn't help but blush by his words and actions as he made his way up the stairs to their apartment. He laid Nines on the couch, taking off the leather jacket the android was given and replacing it with a black hoodie that had been laying around.

"Fuckin' android." The detective said aloud to himself, covering his face with his hands out of embarrassment. "Turning me soft." He turned back towards the sleeping robot, moving to push his light brown hair out of his face, his hand brushing against Nines' led. His hand descended down to the android's cheek, letting his thumb trace against his skin. "God, I fucking hate seeing you like this." He quietly said, moving closer to his partner.

"What are you doing, Gavin?" Slowly Nines' eyes opened, having Gavin's hand quickly pull away from his cheek.

"Fuck- I just-" He quickly turned away, trying to hide his pink cheeks. "What the hell, Nines."

"Gav..?" The sick android carefully sat up, he put a hand on his partner's shoulder. " Did-did you put me in your hoodie?"

"I-i'm sorry I-"

"It's fine.. Why are you acting so weird..?" His hand traveled down to rest on Gavin's forearm.

"How are you so oblivious to this?" The detective ran a hand through his hair. "I don't like seeing you like this, in pain.. It hurts"

"I don't understand-" Quickly Nines turned away, coughing into his sleeve. Gavin took his hand, turning to face him in concern.

"You're such a fucking android.. I get worried about you like this because I fuckin' love you tincan. I call you names and shit because I'm fucking terrified i'm going to lose you." Tears swelled in the human's eyes as he looked away from Nines.

"Gavin.." The android's hand went for Gavin's cheek, making the two look at each other, locking eyes. The two stared at each other in silence for a few seconds before Nines finally pulled the human he loved into a loving kiss.

The two pulled away, both having blush covering their cheeks. "You're such an asshole." Gavin smiled, moving his hand back to the deviant's cheek.

"But you love me" The two moved closer together, about to kiss again when Nines pulled away. "Wa-wait, what if I am sick?"

"You've got a damn computer virus, dumbass."

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