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A bit shook, the guy looked around. He ended up picking a pair of earrings. "Can I just get it in one ear?"

"Yeah, sure." "You want these right?" I took them from his hand. Thank god, I don't have to worry about making then even or anything. "I mean, the piercings are free but the 'starter kit' is 30." "It's basically full of care products, I don't know man."

After marking and changing the same spot of his ear, he finally gave up and let me actually do the piercing. I won't lie, the earrings were pretty cool. I started walking to the counter to finish the ordeal. "Uh, 32.06." He reached in his pocket, handing a fifty. "Want your receipt?"

"Sure," as I gave him his change, he asked for a pen. A bit confused, I gave him one. The guy flipped his receipt over, layer it down, and wrote on it on the counter. After he was done he handed back the pen and left without picking it up.

"Uh, sir you forgot-" he left the store without looking back or saying anything. I took the receipt up to see what he wrote while also being a little agitated.

"Text if you really want that 40


I stood there, not knowing what to do. Many and all things came to my mind.

Is he trying to hit me up? Did he just scam me? What is happening??

Get yourself together. First things first, close the store. I grabbed my stuff and put my jacket on. I turned the lights off and finale locked the doors. Meanwhile the receipt was still in my hands. I made my way out the mall, some stores were still open but not much crowd was there. I bought something to drink then headed to the parking lot.

The drive was fairly nice, it was early winter and things were ok. No ice thankfully but I still had to concentrate. However, that was pretty hard. I couldn't help but think about the receipt. Putting the radio on didn't help either. My stomach felt queasy, maybe I'm just overreacting.

After a while, I made it to my apartment. It was already 10:36 and I was tired. But that damn receipt wouldn't leave me alone. Why not? I asked myself. Just a "hi" or something. I grabbed my phone and began to put the number in. But then before I could process anything, I heard my phone calling the number. "Shit-" the phone was picked up.

"Hello?" I stayed silent, "helloo?" I opened my mouth, but I didn't even know what to say.

"Uh- hi.." 

"Oh, is this that guy from Claire's?" Was he waiting for me to call him?

"Uhm, yes."

"Ah, what's up?" I paused.

"What do you mean..?"

"Well, you called." What is even happening?

"Yeah, but you said to."

"No. I said to text."


W h a t.

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