House party?

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Warning: Adam😰😰🤢

I can feel my heart start to beat faster. The more I try to calm down the worse it gets. I've never felt so panicked or nervous when smoking before.. I can feel Adam looking at me. I didn't want to look back up in fear of making eye contact and making this an unbearable amount of uncomfortableness. I felt stomach jump, like my insides turned upside down. What the hell is happening?

I decided it would just be best if I got out of there, Sarah as probable wondering where I went. I put my cigarette out under the table and quickly stood up. "I have to go right now.." I mumbled as I made my way to the door that lead out.

It took Adam a while to understand what was happening, I guess he gets slow when he's high. "Oh, uh.. Jonah, before you go I just wanted to know..." Adam put his hand behind his neck when he approached me, "A friend of mine is going to have a party this weekend and I just wanted to know if you wanted to come.." A party? Huh. " I wont know everyone there, and I promise I wont ditch you if you come." I couldn't really focus on what exactly he was saying, I guess I was distracted when I had just realized he did seem red at the face.

"Okay, sure.." I turned back and headed out of the room we were just in. Adam followed me out but headed to the front. I looked around a bit for Sarah and saw her at the doors.

"What happened- oh god, you smell like smoke Jonah.." Sarah waved her hand in her face and coughed slightly. "You cant go to work smelling like that.. I might have something in my bag." We both headed to the back of Claires so sarah could get her bag. She pulled out a tube of perfume and started using it like it was bug spray and I was the bug.

"ACK- SARAH STop, you're literally going to kill me!!" I tried moving my head out of the cloud of strong fragrance to breathed clean air. Sarah immediately put the tube back in her bag and threw it on the ground. She looked a little proud in herself but then gave a face of regret.

"Sorry Jonah, at least you smell better?" She gave me a forced smile.

My eyes started to water a bit so I left the back and Sarah followed. "Dude, that place is going to smell like that for the next month." I was going to continue scolding her until I realized she had a face of regret, and she looked uncomfortable so I stopped. I sighed, "Well if I hear a sorry then all could possibly be forgiven." Sarah just laughed.

"A sorry? And also what do mean all can possibly  be forgiven?" We both just laughed and ended up forgetting our whole conversation.

Time flew by with us just doing normal work stuff. Usually, at some times the store doesn't get a lot of customers which lets me shut off half of my brain.


Do I really need to explain my week? Well, I guess all that did happen was work obviously but also some glances shared from me and Adam across from our work. I haven't tried to go back there for my lunch again, I don't know why. I guess I'm too lazy too. I ain't afraid to admit it.

The party hadn't crossed my mind until it was Friday and I got a text from Adam.


Adam: [hey do you still want to go to that party I was talking about?]

Jonah: (Yeah sure. Where it is and what time should I be there?)


-time skip-

Holy shit what the fuck was I thinking!? I stood next to Adam and stared at the house flooded with people inside. There was even people outside, this looked like a teenage high school type of party. The music from inside the house leaked through outside. I'm surprised no one has called the cops yet..

"Well, uh.. let's go in I guess." I looked at Adam, he only nodded. I'm not sure why I came but I guess I can find my way to the kitchen and grab some food. But after that I'm not sure what I'd do next. I wish Sarah came but she doesn't really go out much and she didn't want to come when she knew Adam invited me. Me and Adam started walking in the house. As soon as I made it I was greeted with people gently pushing each other around. It was crowded, well not so much but a..crowded amount..

Adam lead the way in the house, he tried to tell me something but the music was too loud to hear him. I assumed he was trying to find a less crowded area so I followed as close as I could but with the crowd, I started falling behind. Adam turned around quickly to see if I was still there and saw how far I was getting. So he grabbed my arm.. ok.. that's understandable I guess. A bit weird but that's fine. As we made are way further in the house the place got tighter. Adam's hand was slipping so grabbed his hand. I wasn't going to get lost in some strangers house with a bunch of people in it.

Adam finally stopped walking and we made it to the kitchen. Thankfully there was very less people in there but there was a couple in the corner near a door making out bad. I felt a bit startled but this is a party, of course there's going to be a bunch of couples making out like they're alone.

"Is here good?" Adam asked me before he looked over and saw the couple. He looked surprised at first but turned back like he didn't even care.

"It could be better but this will do." I made my way to the fridge to steal some food. Adam stood behind me to watch.

"Did you really come to a party to eat all their food?" He had big grin on his face.

"Maybe." I shrugged and pulled a soda out from the fridge and two lunchables. I can't believe they even have these. I guess maybe the owner of the house either has younger siblings, kids, or they just like them. Adam laughed softly to himself, I closed the fridge and turned to the counter. I opened one up and handed to other to Adam. I was going to eat them both but I don't want to feel sick.


Yoo I'm back at it again😍

Sorry of there is mistakes I didn't get while editing😞 anyway, I don't know what to say💕

Thank you guys for reading my shit still🥰🫶

And if this gets like...uh maybe 1,000 reads I'll hold myself at gunpoint and so some character designs for this fanfic cuz like- I do art or something..

I won't put anymore word counts bc I don't care that much about it🫰☺️

Thank you😡

Edit: y'all forget the reads💀

If uhh... 55 votes... yeah. 55.. I'll post the art lol.

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