Where did you sleep?

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It all seemed crazy. I don't quite get it but there really isn't anything I can do. I never really thought I was someone completely different from who I assumed I was.I thought I figured it all out but ever since Adam, it feels like I can see more than I used to. I kind of thank him for that. But it still makes me feel stupid. If I don't know who I am, then what do I know?

...I smell bacon...

I open my eyes, barely. They attempt to focus but everything is clouded. It takes a few blinks to finally see. I hear soft clanking noises from another room. It isn't until I turn my head to realize I'm somewhere new. I'm not in my apartment. WHERE AM I?!?!?

I bolt up and sit on the edge of the bed I was just in. I am in a small room with very little decorations. Aside from a bedside table, a beanbag, lights, and a desk. On the desk was my phone. I quickly grab it and check. No one texted, but it's 10 am. I stand up cautiously. The door leading out the room was cracked open. Nothing about me looks or feels different from what I can tell. I peak out the door which leads down a very small hallway and into an open space that really isn't all that big either. One side of the hall was continues for a short while before ending. Past the wall that reaches, The soft clanking is still heard, closer even. I stand in the middle of the hallway, unsure of what to do. I don't know where I am and who's with me.

"Hello?" I call out. The sounds stopped before I heard footsteps. Adam peeked around the corner. His eyes were big, as if I startled him. I sighed when I saw him. A huge wave of relief comes over me.

"Jonah, you're awake. I'm making breakfast.. do you want some water?" He's worried but he smiles. He disappears before I can reply. I walk down the rest of the hallway and turn the corner. The kitchen and dining room area are merged together tightly. Adam is cooking some eggs while pieces of bacon lay on a paper plate on the counter.

I sit down on a chair next to the kitchen table. I cant remember how I got here. Or what happened the rest of the night.. I wipe my face sluggishly with my hand. 

"Hey Adam? What happened? ...Last night?" I breathed out. Adam turns his head to me before focusing on the eggs again.

"Well, after... you know," He stiffens, "We actually had a few drinks before we left. You didn't seem sober enough to leave on your own... so I tried to ask you if there is anyone who could come get you. But I just ended up letting you crash here." I can still smell the distant sent of cigarettes. It gives me a headache. "Don't worry, nothing happened." He added quietly.

His words fly over my head before I realized what he ment. Oh my god- That hasn't crossed my mind at all. Holy shit, that's.. I don't even know... I feel my stomach twist.

"Do you want water or orange juice?" Adam changes the subject and makes his way to his fridge.

"I'll just have a water. Thanks." He hands me a water bottle and I can tell that I'm red in the face. For a second, I catch a glance at Adam's face, he's smirking. My stomach contorts again, I'm not doing well.

Adam serves me a plate of breakfast then turns to serve himself. There wasn't a fork so I got up to get one just behind him. I was about to turn back after I grabbed a fork, when Adam faced me.

"Jonah...are you alright?" I look at him, confused. I froze, I couldn't fully process his question. Before I could form a word, he took a step forward. "I wasn't too sure what you would do when you woke up, I just don't.. I don't know.." Adam trailed off. He seemed to mess with the seams of the sides of his pants. He took a moment before looking back at me. I can feel my heart in my throat.

"It's fine, you were helping.. Uhmm- thanks." I smiled at him. 

He smiled back. If I wasn't paying too much attention on calming myself down, I would have noticed he was smirking. I know I say I get hot, but this time I was freezing and yet still burning. Adam's kitchen, room-thing was very small. I mean it. With my back against the counter and Adam opposite of me, we were still very close. Too close. He wasn't much taller than me, but I still picked my head to look at him. This time, he found himself breathing right in my ear.  I shivered. My back felt colder than before, I'm not all there. His hands were on each side of me on the counter before I felt one gently graze my arm.

"Hey Jonah..?" He mumbled, his breathing made its way from my ear, to my neck. I almost gasp. I slowly looked down just a bit, it's too hard to look him in the eyes. He laughed a little, almost like he's pulling a prank on me. His hand slowly traces up my arm, then my shoulder, my collarbone, then it's rises to my chin while just barely missing my neck. He gently raises my head, he leans in closer. "Are you okay...with this?" By now, I'm certain he can hear my heart, it's so loud yet quiet enough to hear our breathing.

I shake a little as I nod sparingly. He doesn't mind think any longer before giving me a look. This might be the first time I've ever seen a look like this, but I know clearly what it means.


Fuck it.


And they ate bacon😍🥓

Y'all I'm SOO SORRY 😢 this chapter was a lil too hard to write bc I was busy and very occupied with personal stuff. 

The future of this fanfic is unclear bc I really wanna work on my own personal story but I'm very early in development with it💔

Just let me know if y'all will still want more chapters


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