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What the hell is this guy even going on about??

I stayed silent waiting for him to say something but he was doing the same.




"Are you going to want your 30?"

"30?? I thought-"

"Well I deducted points for not knowing how to follow instructions and also for making me sit in silence." Are you kidding me?! He's lucky I'm desperate for money right now or would hang up right here and now. I took a deep sigh before responding.

"Well when and where do I get my 40 dollars?"

"Wanna make it 25?" What the hell is this guy even on??

"You know what? 30 is my favorite number haha-" shit.

"Anyways, it turns out I work just across from yours."

"The hot topic?"

"No, the bath 'n body- yes the hot topic." Great, now I will most likely see this asshole more often than I wished. And I wished never.

"So what about you working across from me?"

"I want you to go over on your lunch break." Wait.. how does he know when my lunch break is?  Or maybe he doesn't and just want me to just go. But why? He could have just gave it to me at the store or maybe he didn't have it on him. But still, why does he want me to go to his work?

"Helloooo" Oh, I forgot I was still on the phone with him.

"Yeah?" I cleared my throat.

"I'll see you tomorrow then."

"Ok," I really didn't want to.

"It's Jonah isn't it?"  what-

"How do you know my name?"

"You had a name tag on your work shirt." I forgot our boss made us hear them.

"Oh," Still creepy though. I'm starting to have an internal fear of this man.

"The names Adam. Just thought I'd tell you because 'fells like I know more about you that you do me."

"Alright, I guess I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Is that a statement or a question?"

"Ok bye now." Hurry, hurry up and hang up. I don't know how much longer I can continue this already awkward conversation.


My face feels way to hot. I turn my fan on before going to bed. The whole night consisted of me dreaming about different senecios for tomorrow to prepare myself. I'm glad my shift isn't so early in the morning, because I crashed until 9.

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