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Me and Sarah made plans to hang out this weekend. I dont know what we're going to do exactly but she probably has something.

I have to close the store again, Sarah told me she has an appointment. Alone I am, again.. Even with this being a Claire's, it still feels creepy. Mostly because there practically no one here in this mall. Or so I thought.

I here someone call out for me, is adam. "Hey, Jonah? Are you here??"

"Yeah, back here." He emerges into view. A part of his hair is tucked behind his ear, completely exposing his earring. It's been about three months since we first met. I wish he would come over on my closing shifts more often. "What's up?"

"No, nothing. Just wanted to see you." he leans on the counter I'm behind. I try not to stare. "Also, do you think you can give me a second piercing? I'm going for a look, you know?" He turned his head to show me his already existing earring. He uses a hand to point on his ear just above it. In the corner of my eye I can see he doesn't look away while he shows me. It hasn't even been a minute. How does he do it-

"Sure, I can do it. I'll set it up, you pick one." I grab a chair and set it in the front corner of the store. I wait for Adam as he closely inspects the thousands of earrings that there is. I look out the display window in front of me, most of the mall is already closed. Except the store in front of mine. Hmm...

"I found these." Adam speaks low.. and he's close. I jump, I turn my head to see him shaking the small container. He laughs quietly. I feel embarrassed and roll my eyes to ease my nerves.

"Not funny." I snatch the earring as he falls on the chair to sit. He holds a smirk. I look away from him to open the plastic box. I get ready to prepare the spot where he wants it, he's still as indecisive as the first time. After the quick process, I take the machine to clean it and throw the trash we made. Adam fixated on his new piercing through a mirror.

"Thanks dude." He remains staring through the mirror. I stand a few feet behind him, I check my phone.

"No problem.."

There's a quick moment of silence when Adam looks away from the mirror.

"What's wrong?" Adam looks back at me. He takes slow steps to me.

"Nothing?" I raise an eyebrow. This is probably one of the times where nothing is really wrong, I think-

He leans back on the counter, why is he always so close? It's almost time to close. We should go..

"Are you sad I never came the other days you closed? All alone..?" Is he some kind of fortune teller?? Wait- no thats future stuff.. uhhh what's the word?? I think it starts with a 'P'..

But besides that, I'm not 'sad'.. 

"Don't worry, I got someone to switch shifts with me. All the days I wanted to come by, this is the best one." 

But if I had it my way.. 

"Did I ever tell you how good the purple suits you?"

I wouldn't mind seeing him more..


Adam brushes a few strand of hair off my face, I snap out of my thoughts and look at him.

"Do you wanna hang out?" Adam lowers his eyes while asking.

"Oh, uhh sure. I don't have work tomorrow.."

"Great, neither do I." He looks back up and smiles.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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