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I woke up to my annoying ass ringtone, I felt too tired to care but eventually mustered up the strength to pick up my phone. Sarah was calling me, but she didn't work morning shifts so I was confused on why she called me so early in the morning.

I answered. "Hello?" I muttered.

I pulled back my phone from my ear once I heard Sarah yelling on the other line. "JONAH!! Are you barely waking up?!"

"Ow- uh.. yeah?"

"It's literally 11:30, you should've been here 30 minutes ago! Why did you think it was an okay idea to sleep in?!" It took me a moment to understand what Sarah was saying. Until it finally dawned on me what the time was. I looked at my phone to see for myself, she wasn't wrong.

"Holy shit!" I threw my blanket off me and sat up but as I did so, my head became extremely dizzy. "Oh fuck-"

"Jonah you're going to be fucking fired next time you do this." I put her on speaker and placed my phone on my nightstand to get ready.

"Yeah Yeah, i know.." I groaned, taking my work clothes out of the closet. "Sarah, do you have any left over breakfast? I don't want to be starving all day." I could hear her sigh loudly.

"Yes, I do. But it's just some shitty sushi my brother bought from the store."

"Aw man.. I was hoping for some chips or something but alright, I'll be there in 10." I finished putting my shoes on and started to violently brush my hair out.

"Okay, but our manager wont be so happy.."

"I know, but really don't care that much. Did you also forget her name? Why are you calling her 'the manager'?" I laughed.

"You and I both know I don't get paid enough to care what her name is Jonah." I stared to snicker while Sarah laughed. I walked over to my nightstand where I had left my phone and picked it up.

"I'm heading out now, I'll see you there soon."

"Okay, bye."

"Bye" I hung up. I quickly rushed to get out of my house no make my way to my car. The car ride was very bland but driving gave me time to think about yesterday. That guy was weird, too weird if you ask me. Makes me feel like I shouldn't go over to see him. If he actually had the money then all he had to do was walk over himself and give it to me, I mean it's a dick move to make me do it.

I pull up to the side of the mall closest to work, I sped walked my way to the shop. I did notice a few people a walked past glare at me, but that was most likely from my work clothes.

I rushed into the small Claires and headed straight into the back to clock in. I spotted Sarah as the register and another employee talking to a customer. Once Sarah saw me she started making her way to the back to talk to me. As I clocked in, Sarah grabbed her bag and began rummaging through it.

"Here," she handed me the left over sushi, it was stored in a thin cheap plastic container. "I only got through a quarter of that, it honestly tastes like shit so.."

Grabbing the container, I sighed. "It's what i get for oversleeping agin." She chuckled.

"Why did you? Did you go to sleep late or something?"

"No.. I didn't. I honestly don't know why but you wont believe what happened to me yesterday after you left." Sarah crossed her arms for comfort.

"What happened?" I started to tell her about the whole guy coming in for a piercing, up to when he wanted me to go over to his work for the money. Luckily, Sarah had the same reaction as me.

"That guys a dick, I don't think you should go. Or at lest alone." I started to open the sushi and put one in my mouth. "Let me go with you just in case he has a group of emos in the back ready to jump you." I started to choke a bit on the piece of sushi in my mouth before we started to laugh hysterically together. I swallowed my food before I responded.

"Ok, sure. But we have to be sneaky about it, I don't think our manager would like 2 out of the 3 workers going on lunch break at the same time."


I'm back lol, also this one is a bit longer than the other chapters so I hope you guys enjoy it. I plan on finishing this story before starting another project that I'm pretty exited about. Gotta prepare first. (':

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