Employees Only!!

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Warning: Use of cigarettes 

"We only have a few minutes so I think we should head over." I started to force myself to finish the last bite of sushi Sarah gave me. I was never a fan of sushi. "I'll text him to see if he's on break or something."


Jonah: (Hey are you on break cus im heading over)

Adam: [yeah im just in the back. Just head there now.]

Jonah: (I just go the the back or will you meet me at the front?)


Nothing, I guess I'll  just have to put my life on the line for the low low price of just 30 fucking dollars. I let out a groan of frustration causing Sarah to look at me to see what was wrong. I brushed my hair more to the side to get it out of my eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"What isn't?" My lower eyes sagged to express how tired I was. Sarah patted my back as we left to venture into the Hot Topic.

"Crazy how they allowed a Hot Topic to be in front of a Claires, right?" Sarah huffed once we made it into the store.

"It could be worse, like a Spencer's" We both laughed.

"Imagine people shopping for themselves and their partner in the back and spot little Emily checking out the same thing as them." I tried to hold in my laugh because of how quiet the store was but that only made us laugh even more.

Me and Sarah stopped laughing after hearing someone else. "Can you guys keep it down." When I looked over it took me a second to realize it was Adam. His hood was down allowing me to see the fresh piercing I had gave him.

"Is that the guy?" Sarah leaned in from my side while we both still looked at him. I only muttered yes.

"So uh-" I began, "We dont have that much time for break.." I tried to be polite and give him a hint that I really just wanted to pay me and get the hell out of there. I have nothing against Hot Topic or anything I just hated how awkward and quiet it was.

"Yeah, ok.. just follow me." Adam turned around and started walking but then Sarah stepped in.

"Hell no." He turned back around, "We're not following you! If you're going to pay him, pay him now. It's really weird for you to have us go to the back with you. You trying to murder us or something?" Sarah gave him a stern look. 

From how loud Sarah was, she got the attention of the only other person in the store who was a worker there too. She started walking up to the commotion while giving a nice smile as she approached Sarah, who was still a bit pissed off.

"Excuse me miss, what happens- oh, Sarah?" Sarah faced the lady and gave a smile back. It seemed like her and Sarah were friends because of how fast her attitude changed.

"Evelin! How are you? I didnt know you worked here!" Sarah and the girl named Evelin started talking to each other which made me instantly know that Sarah quickly forgot about whatever she was just mad about. I felt Adam looking at me so I glanced over and gave an awkward smile.

Adam turned a bit away from me and made a hand gestured for me to follow him. I hesitated a bit, but the look on his face was so calm and it seemed like he knew how uncomfortable I felt. Then I realized I really didn't have anything to lose so I nodded slightly and followed Adam.

He lead me to the back of the store that had a sign saying 'employees only' so he walked right in. The door lead to a small hallway with racks of clothes and other stuff in boxes poorly stuffed inside. At the end was a storage room with more boxes. Two small tables were pushed together with three metal foldable chairs near them. Adam made his way over to the side and grabbed a bag that I assumed would be his. He placed it on one of the small tables and looked through it. Instead of him taking out his wallet or money, he took out a pack of cigarettes and a small purple lighter. He took two cigarettes out of the pack and put one between his lips and offered me the other one.

After realizing that he didn't actually plan on murdering me, I took the cigarette which made him slightly surprised. He looked up at me to see I noticed his expression.

He took the cigarette away from his mouth, "Sorry, you didn't look like the type to smoke..." Adam looked away before lifting the cigarette back to his lips and used the other hand to light it.

"Well, working at Claires is a bit more stressful than you would think... with all the difficult to please moms and nosy children.." I lifted my hand to grab the lighter from Adam. But I guess he didn't see it, because he moved to light my cigarette himself. Without thought, I automatically put the cigarette in my mouth and leaned a bit forward towards him.

Realizing what was happening and knowing it was too late, I just looked away. After he lit my cigarette I leaned back to give some space between us. Adam sat down on one of the chairs that had paint chipping off. I sat down on on another chair a few feet or two away from his. 

Inhaling the smoke made me feel less and less awkward. It almost made me forget why I even came here. "What is it you're trying to do right now?" I asked Adam who had his eyes closed.

"Huh?" He opened his eyes and looked at me.

"I mean, you didn't pay me the first day I gave you that piercing and instead gave me your number. Then you asked me to go to your work to get the money and now I'm in the back of the Hot Topic getting high with no trace of money." Adam only stared at me without saying a word.

"I don't know man, you just looked like you needed something to help you relax. I was just trying to be nice, theres no need to bitch about it." Is this man serious!? I mean that's nice for him to do that but now he's saying I'm a bitch for putting up with him stalling?? At this point I don't think he even has the damn money. I'll just get high then leave, maybe even block his number. I barely know him and he's already been such an ass.


Omg I love unreliable narrators <3

1111 words🤩

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