I know what you are.

276 7 12

Warning: More uses of cigarettes 

A few moments had passed that consisted of awkward silence and breathing in smoke, with the exception of either me or Adam coughing. The more I smoked, the less I cared about how silent it was.

"Do you smoke often..?" Adam asked while holding in the smoke in his lungs. I looked over at him, he slouched a bit in the chair. I noticed how his eyes were a tint of red, not too much but enough to assume he was high.

I was still a bit pissed at him but decided to answer. "Not too much.. I only do it when I'm stressed.." I dropped the small remainder of my cigarette on the cold floor and smushed it with my boot to put it out. I turned back to Adam and signaled him to give me another cigarette. It took him a second to understand what I was asking for, but he pulled another one out and slowly reached his hand out to hand it to me. 

I felt him staring at me as I reached for the stick. Before I got a hold of it, I glanced up at him. We both made eye contact. I finally got a hold of the cigarette but without my eyes on my hands, the tips of my fingers over reached and ended up sliding shortly and gently over his own. I looked back at our hands and quickly pulled my hand away while grabbing the cigarette. Adam was slower at looking down and only caught a glance of what happened. 

Great... as if it wasn't already awkward from us staring at each other before!!.. I just embarrassed myself. Not as bad as I had before but I don't understand.. Why does my face feel hot.. like really hot..?

Adam didn't say nothing, he only laughed quietly to himself. I knew if I was in a more normal state I would be a it pissed at him for laughing at me but instead I felt a bit queasy in the stomach. I grabbed the lighter on the table and lit my cigarette. I took a deep breath of the smoke and looked back at Adam. For some reason it felt like a good moment to take in his appearance, I haven't really looked at him that well.

Of course I noticed his poofy bangs which has some bit of curling to it. His hair was a nice dirt color with a small hint of gold it the strands. His face was slightly round with hidden cheekbones. The light in the room gave his peach fuzz a faint glow and lightened some small acne scars around the ends of his face. His lips weren't thin so much but his top lip was somewhat bigger than his bottom lip. He seemed pretty average in features, even his nose wasn't too slim or that big. I looked back up to his eyes, pretty average unsurprisingly. But he did have dark blue eyes, they weren't too dark to be mistaken as black or grey but instead made his eyes stand out in a good way I guess.. They were almost the color of the ocean or whatever, maybe a royal blue? Or navy if I can remember what any of the colors looked like exactly... But then again, his eyes could have been slightly lighter than all three of my options. I had the urge pull my phone out just the compare each and every color I thought of, until I realized how intensely I was looking at Adam..Then I realized that he was also looking at me. Shit..

I looked away and straightened my back. I took another hit from my cigarette to calm myself down. I took a quick look over at Adam, he was still looking at me but he was smiling even more this time. I eyed him confused. "What?" I gave him an annoyed tone to some degree. I wasn't entirely mad but I was fully embarrassed. I dont know why I was trying to make it his mistake for looking at me while I was just checking him out...... not checking.. just 'examining' him or some dumb shit like that.

AN: Thank you guys for waiting so long for updates. I just didn't have much motivation to write, even though I have about a gazillion stories going on in my head at once. 

As much as I want to share them with you all, I don't think I can work on more then one project at a time. But hopefully the fandom doesn't die so I can feel good when people read my very intelligent arrangement of letters.

Thats really it, I'm still deciding what my posting schedule is so.. sorry in advance.

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