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Hi Guys this is chapter 7 and I hope you like it so enjoy and don't forget to vote if you like it-

[Ash walks through the Corridor and he sees the same medic official on his way who had a jaw drop expression on his pale face as Ash just smirks and stood beside him not caring to look at him]

ASH: I told you he needed the warning more than me now I may take my leave and you should tend to his pokemon they will really need a medic now.. [With that he leaves leaving a stunned official behind]

[Soon Ash meets up with Nate who was waiting for him grinning as he comes towards Ash]

NATE: Dude! You just defeated Shamus today and now you are the Class D champion!! Congrats bro! 

ASH: Haha I told you it was easy and I hope you held tight huh...? [Smirks]

NATE: [Sweatdrop] Yeah.. that was one attack for a moment I thought the building would collapse almost everyone fell of their seat today and man you should have seen Mike's face when he fell and when he saw his brother loose!! Haha!

ASH: Hmm..  well now lets go besides I think I am getting more attention than needed and few stink eyes as well.... [Looks at his surroundings to see many staring at him]

NATE: Well not surprised their lets go! [With that they left]

[As they got outside Ash turns to Nate] 

ASH: Hey Bro why don't you head to class I will join later.. I wanna meet with professor Oak?

NATE: Alright! [Nate Leaves]

[Ash goes towards the professor's cabin where he without knocking enters again to see Professor already looking at him]

PROF-OAK: Well I had expected you to come this time so congrats Class D champion... 

ASH: Hmm.. [Closes the door and sits on a chair near the desk]

PROF-OAK: Well that was quite a match up their though I was not surprised with how you trashed him but I wanna say that earthquake attack was really something because it also caused many of the staff members and professors to fall from their chair...

ASH: Hmm...

PROF-OAK: [Sighs] Quite huh... so tell me what is the problem..?

ASH: Well a certain professor forgot to inform me about a very important detail if I remember correctly.. [Eyes the professor]

PROF-OAK: What? [Confused]

ASH: You forgot to inform that Green is also attending the academy!!

PROF-OAK: Whose Green? [Says innocently]

ASH: [Tick mark as he glares at the professor and his eyes glow red] I am not in a mood for humor professor you know what will happen if she found out who I am!

PROF-OAK: [Sighs] Ash.. you are thinking way ahead you do know that she will not remember you after what happened 7 years ago... besides I think it was time to bring the famous kanto trio of pallet town at one place right?

ASH: Professor... we were not the kanto trio the moment I walked out of their lives if you remember professor.. and I don't want to get back now... its better the things play out the way it is and its better professor if Leaf never know about me..

[Their was silence in the room as Ash gets up to leave when professor spoke again]

PROF-OAK: She looked for you for 4 years Ash.. she always used to call me asking about you and I remained quite because after what happened to your parents I knew you would need time but don't you think its time you see each other and she deserves to know of what happened back then Ash and even Gary deserves to know the truth Ash...

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