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Hi Guys this is chapter 8 and I hope you like it and it will be a long chapter so enjoy guys-

[Ash stood inside a store room which was secluded and closed his eyes as his body glowed and aura flowed around it and he used his aura vision to find many different auras and he concentrated a bit more to find 5 malicious aura signatures near the docks and 13 malicious aura signatures at the central Mall of slateport and he opened his eyes]

ASH: Strange five at the docks and 13 at mall and the explosion by the direction of the sound occured near the docks... off course its a distraction! [Ash closes his eyes and disappeared in a flash of light]

At Central Mall-

[The girls with Dawn, Lyra and Leaf were terrified when they huge screams from the floor beneath them and the sound of glass shattering as they saw people coming to the upper floors as Leaf came across one of them]

LEAF: Mister can you tell us what was that we heard loud screams from beneath..? 

ADULT: [Panicked] Many thieves suddenly appeared out of nowhere with guns in their hands and have surrounded the mall so we are looking for a exit now.. [With that he runs as Leaf was panicked as well as she goes back to the group and explains the situation and the girls were panicked as well]

LYRA: Oh no.. now what would we do...

DAWN: I don't know.. 

LEAF: Well we have two choices either we fight them or we hide and wait for the police to arrive...

LYRA: First one is out of option since they have weapons which can kills us so its better with second one and what about May..?

DAWN: May must have already left the mall after the explosion was heard because the thieves appeared few minutes later.. lets hide before they reach here!

[They nod and run to the upper portion with people as they reach the ninth floor and they were about to head towards the tenth floor with other people when suddenly the glass window shattered and two thieves appeared in front of them with guns as one of them spoke]

THUG: Alright we want you all to back up now and stay where you are!!

[Few of the people were about to take action with their pokemon when one of them raised his gun and fired upwards as the civilians were scared and recoiled back in fear as they were about to head back when many more appeared from behind the stairs which reached down]

THUG 2: We have surrounded the ninth floor completely with prisoners inside! [Yells to the other group who nod and raise their gun and also release their pokemon which were Arbok, Mightyena, Houndoom, Seviper, Yanmega and Golbats] Now everyone stop where you are and don't make any noise!!

[Many of the kids start to cry as their parents try to calm them but everyone were scared]

LYRA: Oh no we are surrounded...

LEAF: [Angry] We have to fight them! 

LYRA: [Panicked] Are you serious they have guns with them!

DAWN: How will we get out of here.. and they all seem scared as well hope the police or the officials arrive soon..

LEAF: As long as we are held here prisoners the police or others will not be able to do anything...

[All the civilians and the girls were scared while we see in a bathroom on the tenth floor as their was a flash of light and Ash appeared and released his Pikachu who gave a yawn and looked at Ash]

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