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Hi Guys this is chapter 9 and I hope you like it so enjoy and don't forget to vote if you like it-

[After saving May and other civilians Ash disappears from the spot with Gardevoir's teleportation and appear on a rooftop faraway from the site as he stumbles a bit and grits his teeth in pain]

GARDEVOIR: Master are you alright? [Says concerned]

ASH: Y-Yeah I am... [Closes his eyes and concentrates on his aura as the wounds on his back began to heal from the aura energy and after few moments his back was healed with only few bruises left as he lets out a breadth of relief] Good thing I learned Aura healing completely and Gardevoir how many times I have told you not to call me Master...

GARDEVOIR: 5678 times Master! 

ASH: [Sweatdrops] Lucario really had rubbed it on you.. return! [Returns his Gardevoir and closes his eyes as he disappears in a flash of light]

With May-

[After the incident and making sure all the civilians in the area had been taken to the hospital she went towards the Mall and met her friends on the way and they start going back to the Academy to rest for the day while May explained the situation she encountered on the docks and the girls were intrigued when she mentioned about the cloaked person]

DAWN: Hey May the cloaked person you saw.. was he wearing a violet cloak and had a Corviknight with him by any chance?

MAY: Yeah same but how do you know him? [Curious]

[The girls look at each other with surprised faces while May was confused]

LYRA: Well we also saw him.. he rescued us all at the mall when we were targeted by the criminals.. [Explains the situation and how Ash rescued the girl risking his own life]

[May was surprised hearing that]

MAY: He did the same for me too...

LEAF: What do you mean?

MAY: [Explains the rest of the situation where how a huge piece of the building was about to fall on her and she was about to be crushed to death].. and that is when he put himself in the front and took the blow and he held that whole piece on his back and stopped it from crushing us under weight...

DAWN: [Shocked] Wait you were about to be crushed to DEATH!!! And wait.. [Understands the statement] you are saying that the cloaked person held that huge piece on his back.. t-that's impossible...

LYRA: Yeah it can't be possible right?

MAY: Believe me I was shocked as well but it did happen.. I have so many questions and no answers and the one who can answer is that same mystery person whose face I don't even know... 

[They all had questions but they didn't ask as they were too tired for one day and went back to the academy]

With Ash-

[Ash appeared behind a tree in the academy premises as he looks around to see no one as he walks out and then takes out the key he received from Gary and looks at the number]

ASH: A-Block. 13th floor, room number 13 huh.. [With that he walks behind the academy a little further and reach around few 15-storeyed buildings as he looks at the building with block A and finds it to the right and entering it takes the elevator fir his floor and soon reaches the 13th floor and finds his room to the end left corner as he opens the door entering inside to be surprised by a small hallway. He took notice that their were two rooms on the left with a wall with paintings on the right and a glass door on the front which lead to a balcony. He thought of seeing the room later and gone straight to the balcony side and opened it to reveal a good view of slateport city and due to him being on a great height he could also see the ocean at the distance. Though he could still see some smoke coming from the docks and sighed as it was really a long day] This region really lacks the security system...

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