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Hi Guys this is chapter 15 and I hope you like it and yeah please read the note below as well-

[Note- Guys I have made some changes in Chapter 1 of this fanfic so please re-read chapter 1 then you can continue to this chapter. It would help clear some things and start from where Ash returned to pallet town]

[All the second year trainers were gathered at the Academy Auditorium as they were waiting for the announcement and for the battle to begin as well when the lights went off and the stage lit up where Professor Rowan appeared]

PROF-ROWAN: Welcome students! You all must be excited for the battle tournament to begin so now.. [Everyone [mostly Trainers] cheer in excitement] We will begin with the battle tournament which will include mostly 5 rounds in the tournament and then Semi-finals and Finals!

[Everyone pay attention to it]

PROF-ROWAN: We will begin the first two rounds with a one on one pokemon battle alright! So here are the match-ups for round 1! You can check your opponent on the academic website on your rotom phone's Hoenn Academy Webpage!

[Everyone instantly check on for their opponents as Ash and his two friends Nate and Barry look at their opponents]

ASH: So I am fighting a boy named Jack from class B huh..

NATE: Well Good luck then. Me and Barry have our match-ups against class D students so we have it easy for starters.. Alright then we will meet after the match alright!

[Ash and Barry nod as they walk off towards their respective battle arenas which were outside the Auditorium in the School open grounds. Ash soon arrives at his spot where he sees a brown haired teen with black eyes waiting for him with a determined smile and looks at the battle arena which was a simple battlefield]

 Ash soon arrives at his spot where he sees a brown haired teen with black eyes waiting for him with a determined smile and looks at the battle arena which was a simple battlefield]

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[It was like this plane and simple]

JACK: I heard that you are the Class D Champion huh.. it would be an honor to fight you!

ASH: Sure. My pleasure.

[The Referee which was one of the staff member arrives and signals the match to begin]

JACK: Noctowl! Take the skies!

ASH: Glaceon! I choose you! 

[The flying owl pokemon and the ice eveelution took their place in the battlefield as Noctowl glares at Glaceon who looks at Noctowl and just yawns clearly bored]

JACK: Use Air slash!

[Noctowl attacks with Glaceon with Air slash as the latter takes it head on and didn't even flinch from the attack which surprised Jack while Ash smiles]

ASH: You have to do much better than that Jack..

JACK: Alright then take this.. Noctowl use Extrasensory!!

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