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Hi Guys this is chapter 16 and I hope you like it and don't forget to vote on it-

[Ash and group [Gary, Nate, Barry, Sawyer and Ethan] reach the auditorium where they see Prof-Rowan and Prof-Oak discussing few points and then they turn to the audience and Prof-Oak speaks up]

PROF-OAK: After having some great round 3 battles we congratulate all those students who passed round 3 and for those who lost I will only say that don't give up and try harder till you achieve your goal. Now.. We are going to start round 4 and we have decided to make some changes in this round..

[Everyone were intrigued by this]

PROF-OAK: We have decided this round will be a individual tag team battle.. in simple words you will be partnered up with a trainer and one of you will battle the other trainer first and the second member will battle the other in the second round.. the team who won all the two rounds will advance ahead and if the team scored 1 point each then a tie breaker will be held... and even if one match is considered a tie then the result will be declared from the second battle.. Your match-ups will appear soon on your rotom phones and this time the battles will be held in the auditorium!

[Everyone absorb the information given by Prof-Oak and they were excited for the match]

With Ash and Group-

ASH: Hmm this seems interesting..  

ETHAN: Yeah it means we have to work in pairs yet battle as individuals.. 

[That is when their rotom buzz as they all look at the screen when Nate smiles and looks at Ash]

NATE: Looks like we are partners Ash..

ASH: [Smiles] Yeah. I think they choose us because we worked great in the Quiz competition. And looks like we will have quite a battle against our opponents... [Looks at his opponents with interest who also look back at them with a smirk]

ETHAN: I am very eager for our battle.. [Says with a smirk]

GARY: Looks like one of us are going to face you huh Ash and the other will face Nate.. [Looks at Nate who was also looking with a determined expression but was nervous as well as they look at the rotom phone which read]

''Nate-Ash v/s Gary-Ethan'' [Was written on the screens as the four trainers were ready while  one of them nervous as well and other three determined. Their battle was later so they left to strategize]

NATE: I can't believe we are facing against the trainers from the S-Class and that too one of the strongest.. [Says with worry in his voice]

ASH: Nate.. [Puts a hand on his shoulder] Don't be nervous alright just do your best and you will be great. Remember when you battle out their, you will not be alone.. You will have your partner, your pokemon with you in this battle. [Says with a smile]

NATE: Yeah... [Smiles at him as his nervousness disappear] You are right. [Takes out his pokeball and looks at it] I will not be alone in this. We will battle together and we will win!

ASH: Well it doesn't matter if you win or lose, the most important thing which matter is that you enjoy the battle and give everything you have alright.. [Nate nods] So did you decide who should go first me or you?

NATE: Well I think I should go first because I think you are better in experience and skills so you can analyze their skills and battle techniques while I can help bring out their arsenals and this will also give you the time to form a strategy..

ASH: [Surprised by his statement] Wow he is more perceptive then I had thought.. [Thinks and then smiles at Nate] Alright I agree with the plan so you will go first and I will go second alright. We have time for our battle so how about we strategize what say? 

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