Chapter 3

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Lily's POV

Early 2017

"You both will look so cute together!" exclaimed Grace as we were having our breakfast.

"He likes you." I won't believe it until he says it , right Lils?

"Oh! keep quiet, Grace!" 

"Look! you are blushing, is there more of an evidence I need?" 

God, stop making me blush.  I swear I will visit you soon enough in the heavens if this does not stop. This is embarrassing.

What makes you think you will go to heaven???? You always leave me in awe. 

"Oh God No." 




I am being exposed. This can't be happening. 

Deny. Deny. DE-NY. Act cool. Act cool.

" I think he is nice" I say nonchalantly. 

"Okay, I am not teasing you here. It is left to you, you know."

I shifted my accommodation for the next semester and for the devil do I regret it .

My roommate was one of my closest friends, Katie. An entitled, spend thrift so doesn't know do  chores. Leaves her used dishes by my bed or somewhere else where it shouldn't be and I am so bloody annoyed.  You have bad taste, human. 

I loathe her existence now.  I loathe you, but here we are. 

Let me introduce you to Katie. 

Katie. A narcissistic, cling needy friend. Who claimed is my best friend the first time I met her and I was taken aback. Like Oh My God. 

I am very mellow. Reserved. Keeps one arm distance. Never imposes on people. Never wants to be a burden and she is the total opposite of me. 

She is outgoing, cringy, speaks -up, confident even if everyone is quietly judging her for being her. I am a person who would run away from people like this-self proclaimed queen bee aura in her hot red lipstick and an attention seeker and she is a hugger. I do not do hugs or physical contact of any sort. Yes, Do not enter my/our bubble

How did we become roommates? Ahh. That. 

This flashback will physically hurt me. 

I am your body, conscience. You can't get physically hurt 

Okay flashback. 

"Hi Lily, what's up?" Katie asked

"Hi, just looking for a new place to shift."

"You are looking to shift? That's great. I think I want to be your roommate. It is gonna be so much fun.OMG OMG OMG!!!!!! Ahhhhh!!!!"

"What? Wait."

Say something, human.   Anything. We cannot live with this spawn of a pig. We absolutely can-not. 


"Oh, have you found a place? Let's go hunting, right now."

"Katie, I don't think it is a great i......"

"We have the same classes, same goals , we can study together. It's perfect! I am so happy. I was waiting to move out of home."

And I could not turn her down. Now I am left with the most annoying roommate. 

I need to vent. VENT.

We gonna have a great time. Great time suffering.  


Cut to me bitching. 

"Grace! Do know how annoyed I am! who does that even???? she plays music when I want to sleep and forces me to stay awake and study when I want to sleep. I see her in my class. I see her at home. I even have to pick her as my partner for very project. I am so sick of her. She is suffocating me and I want nothing more than to get rid of her." I explain her animatedly. 

"I even told her that I am going home for my birthday and shooed her back home so that she does not have to stay alone and I stayed back alone in our shared room. I was horrible to her on her birthday and refused her and her other loud friends to come to our room cause I couldn't stand her. I couldn't even give her a birthday pass."

"I understand, Lily. Poor you. This is unreasonable." Grace comforts me.

"Yeah I know." 


Saint sees me leaving the classroom and catches up with me.

"So.... how is it going on with, Katie?"

"Good. Why?" I ask

"Isn't she the a lovely roommate , Lily?"

"Huh?" I stare at him. He gives me a knowing smile and grins.

"I heard you speak to Grace. You vent so cutely. You pout. See" he shows me the picture he took. 

Gosh, I look ugly. 

"You EVASDROPPED!!!! I gape at him opening my mouth wide. 

He moves closer, holds my chin and pushes to close my mouth and says seriously

"I think a fly went in."  and runs out

"You bastard!!!!! Come back here!!!! Delete that picture" 

Saint you  better run for your life. My human may kill him.

** secretly planning to evade prison sentence**

And he runs, I chase him to the end of the corridor. 

"Sorryyyy. You can tell me, you know. We are friends."

"You were never meant to listen, Saint! It's wrong!" 

"Your secret is safe with me. I know I didn't live up to my name but come on it was so interesting I could not help myself." 

"No, you dumbshit."

"But we are friends" Saint claims

"So?" I ask

"So, you can rely on me. You can always rely on me."

I was dumbstruck for a second. Then I give him a friendly smile and  nodded my head as a accepting  gesture. dum-dum. My heart is beating faster. I can hear it in my ears and I feel a pit in my stomach. A good one, you know.  

I have never felt comfortable and reassured  in someones  presence in a long time. 

Thank You, Saint. 

Conscience comments on this scene:

My human is so weird and dumb.


So what do you think?

Do you think Lily and Katie can be friends? 

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