Chapter 2

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Lily POV

August  2022

"Why are you crying?" he asked seeing my eyes full of tears threatening to fall.

"I just feel terrible that you are hurt."

You deserve better. You are so much more. Why doesn't she see it?

"It's okay, Lily. You don't have to cry. I have started accepted things."

You are being too sweet, Lily. I wish you were named bitter gourd or Chilli. **slapping my own head**


December 2022

"You know, I feel I treat him horribly. I feel like a terrible person. I don't want to do that." she said.

I gave her an understanding smile. Just Don't then. Why do you have to do this!

"I don't want to hurt him."

I gave her another smile in an attempt to comfort her.  you are breaking in the process, Lily. 


Year 2016

"You know, I never feel that you are from the South. You speak our language quite fluently." explained Grace. 

"I had this idea of the people from the South, you know,  dark skinned, oiled curly black hair with broad features but I was rather surprised to see people from the South as fair or fairer than people from the North. I see most people down South are more educated, most of them have a degree and speak English very well." contributed Sam, my roommate. 

Yeah, all you prejudiced and judgmental people from the North think people from the South are savages. We are so much more accepting of the North who infiltrate our cities for jobs and opportunities. We even speak your language to accommodate you. You never even attempt to learn our language or culture and only make assumptions even though you use our resources. There is nothing so prideful about being from the North. 

The 5 states from the South fund entire North's poverty elevating schemes. You ignorant bastards.

"Come on guys! You believe what is shown in the movies and act surprised and shocked when you see the reality. Sounds very dumb." I said as I sipped on my sweet lime juice. 

#micdrop baby

 My milkshake, sorry , correction it's lemonade  

My lemonade brings all the boys to the yard  .... 

Shut up!

Quite clearly , they are both from the North and yes they didn't realise I am from the South because I am fair skinned. Well, fairer than them. Idiots

You see to some extent it's true. People from the North be mostly fair skinned, tall, bright and attractive features, wide eyes, well defined cheekbones and jaw lines, straight hair. They have different traditional dress that consist of a skirt, a blouse and shawl or a scarf. Men have a long shirt with loose pants.  The weather is at its extremes in the North. Too cold in the winters too hot in the summers and because of the difference in weather the crops that grow are different.  

 Yes, Southerners are a little darker cause we are closer to the equator.Duh. Yes,  we have a rounder face, broader hips, smaller eyes, curly hair and we stay true to our culture. We wear our traditional warp around attire made  of silk or cotton ranging from 7-8 meters which is light and perfect for  weather which is slightly humid, not too hot. Mostly tropical weather. 

"Look there, it is Saint!" Grace announces. Isn't he a treat to sore eyes.

Saint comes to where we were sitting. He is radiating an energy I cannot explain. He has a bright smile, I am sure half the girls are watching him, right now. He is wearing a simple white t-shirt and blue jeans and from a look you know it screams expensive. I like men who dress well.  

 I know, right. Oh my! What am I saying! delete it! Delete it, Conscience!

"Hi" he says to everyone and turning  to me he waves  giving me a big smile. There is this twinkle in his eyes. I don't know what it means but god I kept staring at him. 

"Hi,Lily" and he wakes me from my dream. 

"Hi" I say awkwardly. 

"Hey, Saint! What are you doing?" Grace asks. 

"Just wanted to stroll after dinner." he says. 

Grace had told me Saint stays close to our accommodation. Lives with some of the other guys in their class. 

Why was he alone though? He seems to be so different from the guys he hangs out with. He has a different aura around him. He is calm, understanding and his upbringing is clearly very good compared to the jackasses his friends seem. 

"What about the others?" I ask

"They were just lazy."

"Oh." Can you for once say something and not embarrass me like this, Human!

You know how awkward I am. Men like confidence, Courage. #cowardlydogreference

**Rolls eyes at conscience**

I met him sometimes this way when Grace was hanging out with him and the rest of the boys. 

I was attracted. I was curious. I didn't know what to do.  I would wait for coincidences. A glimpse, a wave, some news, whereabouts, anything. I would never ask directly, it does not go with my personality. I just want a 'Oh, we just bumped into each other.' You know causally. 

I would loiter around the corridors of your college hoping for the "coincidences". But they never happened and when they did I was too awkward to go and speak. I just waved and smiled and walked away. 

We were just acquaintances. Until that idiot eves-dropped my conversation. 

Conscience comments on this scene:

Why am I stuck seeing this ungrateful of a human's sorry story?


This is mostly slice of life. 

It is going to be slow and short. Please stay with me.  

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