Chapter 8

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(A/N:  Trigger warning - harsh society and its horrible norms. Controlling parents.)

(A/N: This is also an important chapter)

Lily's POV

Year 2018 

I finally reach home. 

"Hi, Mom"

"There is some rice, you can serve yourself."

"Yes, thanks mom. Do your dishes when you finish and wipe the kitchen counter  clean. Your work is too shabby. Everyone one is going to blame me for raising a spoilt daughter.  Perfection is achieved through repeated practise. You need experience to survive in this world."

"Yes, mother."

You only are preparing me for marriage and all these reasons are bullshit.  You just want to flaunt your oh so perfect upbringing, mother. That is all you want. All you care about is this stupid society with all its unreasonable and archaic rules for preservation which is something we should have done away with long time ago. Go on compare me to some cousin of mine. Go on. 

"Now get on with it and stop looking at the phone. You don't even know what you are eating while you are so engrossed on your phone."

"Mom, I wasn't........"

"You may feel that Mom is the bad guy here but truly I am looking out for you. You will not survive without basic skills in this world. Your in-laws will blame me. Be my smart daughter like Mrs. Smith's daughter. She is such a good child. She wakes up early cleans, helps her mother cook, I never see her sit idle with her phone like you. I so done with these children I swear........" and she trails off. 


And the day just goes by with nothing much happening.  Just texting Ryan. 

He is my senior by two years. He is smart, intelligent and can keep any conversation going especially of philosophy, art and law. 

"What happened, Mom?"

"Nothing, Just your distant cousin is marrying a Northerner." Mom states. 

"Okay, so? What's wrong?" I ask and see my mother being triggered by my confusion

"What's wrong? We are minorities. If we do not preserve our culture no one will. All our ancestors would have lost their lives to these colonists for nothing. Don't you understand how important our values and traditions are?" Mom says assertively 

I can only feel these values and traditions digging and drawing blood from my veins and nothing else. 

"Do you think you will be able to adjust to the customs and traditions of the Northerner. Once you marry over, you have to always follow their rituals and you will never be able to celebrate our festivals our way. You will have to eat their staple everyday and not the food you grew up eating. Do you think the Northerner will accept you. They will call you savages. You know how unaccepting they are of people from the South. 

God forbid, you find someone who does not belong to our caste, race and religion, I think your dad and I will commit suicide. Your dad will never be able to raise his head in this society. Your dad's pride will be crushed. You know the respect and the reverence he receives for his work, don't you? Your  father will be talked about behind  his back. Everyone will blame me for giving you some liberty while raising up and sending you to a good university. Your aunts are just waiting to pounce on me for one mistake I make. They already think you are a girl who has gone out of our hands and we don't know what you do behind our backs."

" Your father and mother have done so much for you, Lily. How can you throw away everything and be ungrateful for the silly thing you call love. You are young and do not have an understanding of the world. You need guidance and our support. You are nothing without our support, Lily.We are nothing without the support of our society. No one will come to your help when you need if you do not abide by the mandates of the society. You will be left alone to fend for yourself and die. You will be outcasted. I don't want you to have this fate"

" I understand, Mother."

"You know, Lily. Dating ruins lives. Dating someone shows loose morals and values. You are not matured enough to handle relationships. I just want the best for you. I never want you to get hurt." Mom adds as she leaves my room. 

I cannot bear to see my parents heart break. They trust me to follow what they have wanted for me. They have done so much for me and the last thing I can do is to not trample on their pride. they say parents know better. Parents have lived more than us and have seen the world.  

" I promise, Mother. Don't worry." I feel a dull pain in my chest and I don't know why. But I think  my heart has shattered for some unknown reason. 

I feel gloomy and feel I am carrying a could full of rain that is threatening to pour. Dark and dense.  


I receive a text message. Oh I think a few messages. 

Katie- You know parents are not always right . They always have a narrow view of the limited experience they have. I cannot tolerate this fucking house. I want to run away.  My mother is clinically depressed and I think so am I. 

Kaite- Lily? Lily? Lily? You there? 

Katie- Lily, are you okay?

Katie- You know you can talk to me. 

Katie- I will be there for you. You are my rock. You have been there at my worst and sure as hell I have had the best with you. 

Katie- Lily. Lily. Lily-Silly. 

Me: I am fine. 

What's up?


This was a long chapter. 

God. I think Lily's mother is right in her own perspective do not hate on her. 

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