Chapter 4

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(A/N: Different POV. Yay)

Saint's POV

December 2022

I sip my milk tea. God! this tastes pathetic. 

Nevermind. I like my morning routine and I stick by it. So it is alright if this tea is not great. It is still tea. I hear the two snoring in sync as I stare out the window and I smile. 

This place is truly beautiful.

Lily has wrapped herself like a cocoon. Cute. Still snoring but cute. She was always cute. 

Grace introduced us. Lily and I. She said hi so awkwardly, I am sure she didn't remember my name then. She was so pretty. Bright expressive eyes but they become crescents when she smiles.  We entered as a couple at the party to avoid paying the entry fees . Nothing much happened but I knew from that moment things are gonna get better. Just an intuition.  

I don't drink or smoke or consume any other substances, as a matter of principle. I think I am content sober. But her smile was intoxicating. Now, I am addicted. I try everything to get her to smile. I can't help but go closer to her. I am drawn to her like a moth to fire. 

She had the same upbringing as I did. Conservative, sheltered and  protected. She is one of those who abides by what her family says. I completely understand. I value my family too and I am grateful for their support and kindness. Although Lily says she has rebelled I am sure it is nothing in comparison to a normal teen. 

I know Grace and Lily are the only two who value and support me unconditionally. They don't judge me for being me nerdy or boring whatever it maybe.  I somehow never gelled well with the boys I used to stay and hang out. They were intimidated as I would always want to discuss something intelligent. 

I am sorry, I cannot speak in vulgar language, comment on the anatomy of a woman's body. I look down on such people. I was taught to respect women and  pamper them . I have two strong women back home who will murder me if I do something unethical like objectifying women. Mama didn't raise a bad boy which cost me a lot of male friends and I didn't mind. I am content with myself. I know who I am and what I want. 

It did hurt, I won't deny especially when they started to exclude me from their plans. They started to see me as different and Grace asked me to  let loose once in a while and speak common topics. She is right. I am reserved and guarded and I speak the 'facts' most of the time or crack dad jokes. I only find Lily laughing at them with crescent eyes  and it distracts me and I start to wonder if she can see with her eyes while laughing. 

Lily has a special place in my heart and always will. I am glad I met her. I am glad for the boring class we took on  land development. She was the highlight of that class for me. She walks in and subconsciously she makes everyone turn their head. She has this grace and elegance about her I cannot put it in words.

 I remember, we weren't great friends although I wanted to be. She seemed awkward most of the time. This was right around the eavesdropping event. Not such a Saint, you know. hahah. That's when I saw her for whom she really is. Crazy and wild. She hides that side of her and pretends to be mature all the time. I don't know why.  She comes sits next to me in the land development class without hesitating and starts doodling on her book. I look at her and god,  was she dazzling. I was enticed. Infatuated.  

I who claims to speak a lot and i usually have a lot to tell much to the annoyance of many of my listeners. Lily didn't give two shits. She told me to just shut up and she began to speak. 

"Oh, shut up, Saint. I speak, you listen."

I, a helpless fool could only give in to this sunny flower. 

"Yes, ma'am" 

"So do you know about b..............." she started to speak to me animately with my eyes glued to her and boy! I knew I was in deep trouble. 

Conscience comments on the scene:

Saint without enlightenment is nothing but a fool. 


What do you think about Saint?

Who is the other one snoring?

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