Chapter 50: A Few Months Later...

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Video: I know I have used this song (Silent Hill - Promise OST) in a chapter before, but I love it so much! Hope you guys do too! <3

Felix's POV

A shit ton of stuff has happened in the last few months, we recently had a walker horde hit the camp, half of the people we got back are dead, including others that were here before us. Joey, Louise, Alice, Tanya, Phil, Alfie and Alex. The portal machine broke down, but we had no idea why, although Dan's been giving dirty looks to Ian a lot... Odd. Half of us were at the point of giving up, and the other half were just heartbroken or depressed. Even worse when Arixa started 'showing', that made things almost ten times worse, it just stressed us all out, knowing what was next. But I still couldn't believe how many people we lost when the horde hit us, we weren't even ready for it, but at least half of us are still alive. But now, we were all just checking our supplies when we heard the 'Walker Alarm' go off, it wasn't too loud to attract walkers, but it was loud enough for us to hear it.

"Oh fuck.." Ryan muttered, staring out above the barrier.

We had this new building that was bigger than the barrier itself, so we could check for any more walker hordes, we even had walkie talkies now. I continued to stare out into the far distance, as Ryan almost instantly grabbed his walkie talkie and pressed the button on its side to access Anthony's walkie talkie. Anthony was pretty much the new leader now. After Louise and Phil died, Dan wasn't the same anymore, he was broken. Jim was too, when Tanya died in his arms. Lola was in pieces and nearly killed herself because of what happened to Alex, but Jack and Ashley stopped her. I would probably be the same way if I lost Ryan, Ken, Mark or Jack.

"Anthony, there's a horde on the way, and it's not like before... Over." Ryan sounded oddly calm in this distressing situation, this horde was definitely like no other!

"Alright, you guys keep your eyes out until I call you both back down. Keep me up to date when you can... Over and out." Anthony simply replied, he was a good leader, and he knew what he was doing. We didn't really decide on him becoming the leader, once shit hit the fan, it kind of just all fell into place.

"Oh god.." I sighed worryingly, "You can see the fucking dust they're kicking up.." I kept staring, this was unbelievable...

"How many do you think there are?" Ryan asked me, the fear beginning to slowly set into his voice.

"I don't know... at least a thousand.." I glanced over at Ryan in worry, as he crossed his arms uncomfortably. "We can't let anymore of us die, not this time. It took us way too fucking long to get our loved ones or friends back." I pushed my hair back frustratedly, huffing as my eyes fixed onto the horde, it needs to clear up soon. Hopefully, it'll just pass us..

Anthony's POV

After finishing my conversation with Ryan, I slipped the walkie back into my back pocket, I heard Ari stand up and I turned around. She was already getting a baby bump, 3 months pregnant already. It was a big shock for both of us when we found out, we were kind of okay with having a baby, it was just it growing up in a fucked up world like this... But whatever happens, we're gonna raise this baby together, and we'll teach it how to be brave...

Arixa stood up in slight worry, walking over towards me. "What's going on?" She inquired.

"We've got a walker horde on the way. We have to be prepared... Are you up for this?" I asked calmly, I wanted to make sure that Ari and the baby would be okay.

"Yeah, I am." Arixa nodded, grabbing her Uzis guns, as I grabbed my shotgun. She whipped them into her holsters, once again like Tomb Raider. I smirked at her and softly kissed her lips, we both pulled away after a few seconds, reloading our guns and walking outside.

Once we walked out we noticed Jim, Joe, Ian, Paige, Dan, Lola, Ashley, Marzia, Connor, Steph, Ken, Mark and Jack going up to the top building, we followed them up and stared at the horde... It was even worse than I thought.. Everything could be seen from this building, Felix and Ryan were already up there soon joining us, we stood in a line. We grabbed our guns, fitting our scopes and silencers.

"Ya'll ready?" Ken muttered, reloading his gun quietly and aiming, everyone else soon followed.

"Sure as hell." Arixa agreed, aiming her Uzis.

"You betcha." Paige smirked a little, as she aimed her Desert Eagle gun.

"Yup." Felix nodded gently, also aiming his handgun.

"Hell yeah." Ian smirked, aiming his AK47

"Let's do this." I grinned lightly, aiming my shotgun as everyone aimed at the horde once they soon began banging on the barrier. Bring it on walkers, 'cause we're ready for you!


Hope you guys enjoyed the final chapter! Please follow me and add to your library to find out when I update my other stories, a vote is always appreciated :3. I'm possibly thinking about an Epilogue to show what happens next, but I don't know yet.

Side Note: Keep an eye out for a new fanfic on the 17th of July! (My last day of school xD)

More chapters from other stories coming soon! So stay tuned and...


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