Chapter 26: One goes Another Follows..

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Picture: Alice.

Unknown POV

I backed up into a tree, I was scared stiff and didn't know what to do. My bow and arrows wouldn't really help at this point, since the walkers were way too close. My pistol had ran out of ammo, so that was useless too. Walkers were surrounding me, but then I saw 5 guys running towards me, they looked strangely familiar, they killed all of the walkers surrounding me.

"You alright?" One of the guys stepped forward, he had dark brown hair which was pushed back and he was quite tall, the tallest in fact. It was Anthony from Smosh.

"Y-Yeah I am... Thanks.." I smiled slightly, "Are you guys YouTubers?" I asked, ruffling my hair slightly.

"Yeah we are." He continued, smirking at me a little.

"So you're Smosh," I pointed to Ian and Anthony, "You're Felix and Cry," I pointed to them, "And you're Mark.." I smirked as they nodded.

"Yep!" Felix smiled lightly, pushing his hair back. I didn't ask about Marzia, since I kinda guessed what happened anyway, well, a portion of it. They didn't seem as happy as they'd normally be, but I can guess what's happened.

"So what's your name?" Mark asked, holstering his rifle.

"I'm Alice..and I'm 16," I replied, putting my hands in my green jacket pockets.
There was a long pause before I asked a question. "Can I join you guys?"

"Yeah sure!" Anthony agreed, a goofy grin appearing on my face.

"You know how to use a gun?" Felix inquired, showing me a pistol.

"Yep! I went to one of those ammunition training thingys.." I spoke proudly, "Oh, it's alright, I have a gun of my own. I'm just out on ammo.." I showed him my pistol

"Okay.." Felix put the spare gun away and grabbed some ammo, "Here."

"Thanks.." I grinned and bit my lip as I reloaded and holstered my gun.

"No problem.." Felix smiled lightly, a lot must have happened for him to be this quiet..

"So erm... What happened before you found me?...If you don't mind me asking..." I questioned awkwardly, all of the guys looked at each other, and finally Anthony decided to explain.

"Well, there was a 14 year old girl called Ashley, who was with us, and she um..." Anthony stopped for a second but then continued. "This other woman we were with called Alexia, she was telling Ashley to save Mark, since he was trapped on the ice. So, Ashley went to help him and she did but then... She fell through, we got her out but, she died a few minutes later.." Anthony sighed and quickly wiped his eyes. All of the guys were trying to hide the fact that they were crying.

"I'm uh....sorry I asked.." I spoke quickly, since I didn't want it to be awkward. I looked down in guilt, why do I always have to ruin the spirit? I was socially-awkward so I guess it makes sense..

"It's alright.." Anthony smiled a little, "We've all had bad experiences.."

"What about you?" Ian questioned softly, "What happened before we found you?"

I prepared myself, since I knew after this explanation I would be crying. "So...erm...what happened was...."



I was with my best friend, Astria and my younger sister, Claire, we were walking through the forest with our weapons. When about 10 walkers were coming our way, I quickly reloaded my pistol and shot half of them, Astria shot a few with her gun and Claire smacked the remaining walkers with a metal pole. Just when we thought we were safe, another 10 walkers came our way and soon enough, we ran out of ammo. Astria grabbed her axe and began hitting the walkers, Claire continued to hit them with her pole and I decided to fight them. I jumped up and did a high kick, knocking the walker straight to the ground, I ducked from another walkers reach and gave a low kick to a walker's hip, flooring it instantly. After using much of my fighting skills, I heard a shriek from Claire, as soon as I turn to my right, a walker rips her neck right out with one good bite.

"CLAIRE NO!" I screamed, I kicked the walker away, just as Claire's limp body falls to the ground.

"I'm sorry Alice, but we need to go!" Astria shouted, gently pulling me away.

"LET GO OF ME!!" I yelped, tears streaming down my face, staining my cheeks.

Reluctantly and hesitantly, Astria pulls me away and I followed, we both ran away from the horde of walkers behind us, but then, a horde came from the direction we're running in.

"Fuck! What are we gonna do?!" I shrieked, "I'm out on ammo!"

"Alice, just go!" Astria forced me, she whipped out her axe and handed it to me. "You're gonna need this!"

"NO ASTRIA! YOU NEED IT!" I shouted back, frantically looking left and right as the hordes edged closer and closer to us.

"JUST TAKE IT, DAMN IT!" Astria yelled back, she forced the axe onto me and pushed me away, her hazel orbs holding sorrow and agony, swelling up in tears. "Just save yourself!" She spoke firmly, there was no changing her mind, walkers instantly grabbed her light brown hair as she tried to fight them off. I nodded and walked away, as soon as I looked back, I saw my best friend struggling from walkers, she kept telling me to go, and they were her last words...

I sobbed wildly as I ran away from the death scene of my best friend and little sister...

~End of Flashback~

Anthony's POV

Alice began to sob, so I pulled her in for a hug as she cried on my shoulder, I was becoming close to her. I comforted her and shushed her softly.

"Hey, hey.. It's alright, you'll be okay with us." I smiled at her as she pulled away.

"T-Thanks Anthony.." Alice muttered, her green, dazzling eyes, showing much appreciation. She was starting to feel like a sister to me, I felt an instant bond when I comforted her soft cries. We walked down the hills and now we were out in an open area.

"Which way now?" Ian sighed, looking left and right.

"Random chance maybe?" Ryan shrugged, crossing his arms.

"Okay then! Ole dole doff, kinke lana koff, koffe lana binke bana, ole dole doff!" When Alice had finished she was pointing left, "Works every time!" she smirked, looking across at Felix.

"You watch my videos then?" Felix grinned, scratching the back of his neck.

"Yeah! I watch all of your videos!" Alice looked at all of us, earning a smirk from everyone.

We walked onto the left pathway, walking further and further away from some painful memories...


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Please follow me and add to your library to find out when I update, a vote is always appreciated :3. Let me know what you guys think of Alice so far, and what you think will happen next! More chapters coming soon! So stay tuned and...


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