Chapter 11: Picking Up The Pieces..

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Ian's POV

I was still inside the flaming building, there had to be a way out of here...I began to cough even harder than before, I saw my group running away in the distance, I suppose they had no choice...I just hope sacrificing my life, was not for nothing...

Marzia's POV

Ashley was still extremely upset, I would be too if I had to leave someone like Ian, especially with how close they were, she was coughing quite a bit now and we had ran out of cough medicine hours ago. Ryan was rubbing her back reassuringly, Felix was comforting her, Mark was checking our remaining supplies and I was handing Ashley a tissue. There was nothing much we could do...

"It's ok....I'm sure Ian got out of there, he's smart like that." Felix stated, looking at Ashley and Anthony, whose faces were filled with sadness and pain, it was written all over them...
Anthony took in what Felix said however, Ashley was having doubts...

"Everyone has told me that everything will be okay!" Ashley argued "So, when is that gonna actually happen?!" She debated angrily

Everyone knew what she was talking about, not a single thing has gone right since this started, apart from the ton of supplies we found; you could hear pain, anger and distraught tremble through her voice. She wasn't mad at us, she was just upset, we could all feel her pain...

Ashley's POV

I don't know what came over me, but I ended up screaming at the top of my lungs..


I began frantically running away, I was sure I had lost my mind. I heard Felix and Ryan run after me, begging for me to stop, I must have ran for 15 minutes straight before I ran out of breath, they then gently grabbed my arm and stopped me.

"Ashley! Wait!" They shouted, I started to cry, they hugged me, I began to take in their comfort, flashbacks taking over my mind.

"W-W-Why did this have to happen?!" I stammered quietly

"It's's ok" Felix shushed me comfortingly.

"Don't worry...we'll get through this." Ryan stated reassuringly.

Felix put his arm around me as we walked back to our group, I looked back at the burning building, explosions were still going off, causing the ground to shake vigorously.

"Are you ok?" Mark asked me, walking over to me and kneeling down to my level.

"Y-Yeah..I'm okay.." I half smiled, I was lying a little bit, tears rolled down my face, giving my lie away; Mark hugged me, his hugs were just as comforting as Felix and Ryan's. I'd never thought I'd say this, but I felt these YouTubers cared about me...

Ryan's POV

Ashley can run fast! After we'd caught up to her and walked back to the group, we picked up our stuff and walked off, I could've sworn I heard Anthony and Ashley murmur the sentence "Sorry Ian.." I glanced back at the building. We walked away from the burning apartments, looking back a few times.

"How many supplies do we have left?" Felix asked, pushing his hair back

"Well....we're low on cough medicine and ammo, everything else we're ok on.." Mark replied, zipping his backpack up..

"W-We need to stay in the area.." Ashley stammered, me and Felix looked at each other with guilt.

"I'm sorry Ashley but...." Felix trailed off, he knew how much she cared about Ian, so I finished his sentence.

Overrun. (A PewDiePie FanFiction) © **RE-WRITING SOON**Where stories live. Discover now