Chapter 28: Zambies Ruin The Moment..

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Picture: Arixa and Paige.

Normal POV

The hotel gave away an eerily silence as the sky began to grow darker. It was only 2am and not a walker could be heard, or was in sight. Alice was asleep on the sofa, lying on Anthony, he was asleep upright and so was Felix, Mark, Ryan and Ian. Edgar and Maya taking up space on Felix's lap. Sound asleep. As the hours past by, the dawning sun rose up and shone through the dusty windows, lighting up the hotel miraculously. Anthony was the first one up, followed by Ian, they shared a conversation.

"Did you sleep alright dude?" Anthony asked quietly, looking across at Ian, as Alice slept peacefully.

"Well... Not really... I.." Ian stopped for a second, you could tell he was going to start crying. "I-I just can't s-stop thinking about Ashley... I f-feel like I c-could've..." Ian burrowed his head in hands, stopping himself from speaking anymore.

Anthony comforted him, "Its alright...Don't blame yourself.. It wasn't your fault.."

By the time they'd finished their conversation, everyone else had awoke and was moving about. Alice went into her bag and took out an axe, she began to cry as she held it in her hands, it reminded her of Astria, her best friend.

"Hey....Are you okay?" Anthony asked, sitting next to her.

Alice sniffed, "T-This was the axe that Astria forced me to h-have... I just w-went and...left her...S-She told me to run away..."

Anthony pulled her in for a hug, as her traumatic memories flooded her mind, she put the axe back in her bag and cried in Anthony's arms... And that's when they heard a sound of shattering glass and a shriek. They instantly went to the main lobby with Ian, Felix and Ryan. They saw the entire scene.

Mark's POV

I was out in the lobby, when I heard the sound of shattering glass and a woman shriek.

"LOOK OUT!" She yelled, I quickly moved out of the way, she jumped forward and did a front flip, whipping out her Uzis guns, she shot a few walkers that were behind me and another woman followed, shooting the last walker with her Desert Eagle.

"You alright?" The first woman asked, whipping her Uzis into her left and right holsters like Lara Croft.

"Y-Yeah..Thanks!" I replied, panting a little.

The two women stood before me, one had shoulder-length brown hair, which was wavy and her eyes were a dark brown, she was carrying the Desert Eagle. The other girl had dark chocolate brown hair, which came up to her chest, it was very curly and she had the two Uzis in holsters. Her eyes were a definte stunning shade of grey, she wore a long sleeved black sweater, which was quite slim and fitting, along with black shorts and black biker boots. The other woman wore a long sleeved red sweater, also slim and fitting, with black jeggings and red suede ankle boots.

"Sorry! We didn't know there was this many people here.." The woman with curly hair spoke, crossing her arms awkwardly

"We didn't mean to interrupt... or anything.." The woman with wavy hair scratched her neck uncomfortably.

Ian and Anthony couldn't take their eyes off them, Felix and Ryan chuckled slightly and waved their hands in their face. Alice was giggling at Anthony's reaction.

"Er Anthony? Hello?" Felix grinned, trying to get his attention.

"Ian? Are you alright?" Ryan laughed silently, clicking his fingers in front of his eyes.

"Oh! Er... Sorry!" They said in unison.

"I'm Anthony.." He smirked, looking at the woman with curly hair, eyeing her like eye candy.

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