Prt 3. just a prank.

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As Kyle approoched the the back door with his body felling tingly, skin felt like it was burning. The back door was hanging right open. Then a black figure started to walk towards Kyle. "w- who are you!? Kyle asked the figure with fear in his voice. The figure started to run up at Kyle at full speed. It jumped onto Kyle sending him crashing to the ground. The figure let out a loud grrrr then it started laughing. "who the fuck are you!?" Elijah came running down stairs wiping sleep out of his eyes. "what's all this noise! " Elijah shouted. Elijah looked around and stated at the guy. "Jackson?" Elijah said. "Elijah? " Jackson replied. As Jackson started to walk towards Elijah jackson let out a loud grunt. A sharp blade stuck threw his chest. "AAAAAA!" Kyle let out a loud scream. Joseph and Kyle went running out of the back door not looking back. Elijah stood their with shock in his eyes. Jackson fell off of the knife and hit the ground..... A pool of blood started to form... The guy was wearing a bunny mask with a tuxedo... Elijah ran up the stairs and ran till the room were him and jammy slept at. Jammy was laying their sleep. Foot steps wear heard coming up the stairs. Elijah closed the door and locked it. Jammy woke up startled by the sound of the slaming door. "jammy we have to go right now theirs a guy in the house and he killed jackson!" Elijah shouted with tears in his eyes. But it was to late the door flew open. And their was standing the man..... The murderer...

Will jammy and Elijah survive???
To be countinued..........

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