prt. 13 let's go

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Elijah countinued to dangle Joseph over the grinders. "what you gonna do jammy!?" Elijah said in a evil voice. "I will kill you!" jammy yelled. ELIJAH started to laugh and loosen his grip on Joseph's neck. "you better not!" jammy yelled. "what happens if I Do?" ELIJAH asked taunting jammy. "you burn In hell, YOU BURN IN HELL!" jammy yelled with rage. "what was that?" Elijah asked droping Joseph. Joseph screamed on his way down. Jammy felt like every thing slowed down, jammy pulled out his pocket and threw it at Joseph hand the knife inserted in Joseph's palm, jammy threw the knife so hard that Joseph and the knife stuck to the wall right above the grinders. Jammy stood their and smiled. ELIJAH started to charge at jammy trying to punch jammy in the face. Jammy dodged it a kicked him in his back. ELIJAH quickly recovered and tacked jammy to the ground jammy let out a loud grunt. ELIJAH started to move jammy towards the grinders, the sound of blades grinding together grew louder as jammys head got closer to the blades. Jammy tried to be strong to keep his head from being shredded up. Jammy grabbe Elijah by his hips and flipped him over him sending him flying into the frinders. Elijah started to grind up blood and bones and guts flew every were. Jammy coughed and gaged,. Joseph continue to scream in pain. Jammy reached over the blades and grabbed joseph off of the knife. Joseph's rist was ripped open. Jammy helped Joseph up. "let's get the hell out of here." jammy said. Joseph and jammy went wondering threw the place trying to find a way out whaching out for bunny man and that..... Other little guy..

The..... End

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