-Basketball stars-

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Onika pov

" Lauren can you go grab me some popcorn" I had just gotten seated in the biggest basketball stadium. The game was about to start. I don't know nothing about no sports so I couldn't even tell you what team I was rooting for. But Lauren wanted to see her biggest idol, Megan dunk on the court, so I had to come with her.

I couldn't wait till the fine ass basketball women came out and started to sweat.

" hey could you stop typing on your phone right in my ear, your nails are making too much noise." Who was this nigga? This middle aged white man had a problem with me texting and making noise with my nails, I mentally laughed.

" sir do you hear all this noise in the crowd, a couple of taps will not hurt yo weak ass" I started to get a bit loud but the ding of my phone distracted me. I looked down and brushed him off, " now if you'll excuse me I will tap again"

And with that I typed away. Yeah I was being petty but I couldn't help it my nails were long, and I wanted every one to know my nails were freshly did.

Lauren 😜

Lauren😜: I'm getting me some coke too, you want some.

Nicki🦄: yess please and hurry back cuz these niggas is testin the hell out of me

Lauren😜: chill nicki I'll be there in a minute, and close yo mouth until I get back.

I rolled me eyes, I was gonna text her back cussing her out because no one told nicki to chill, but the lights went low in the stadium. A loud announcer started saying some sports stuff or something I was kinda zoned out. The white lights that went around in the crowd was blinding me every other second.

Lauren came back with two cokes and a large popcorn. I grabbed the drinks from her and put them in the cup holders.

"Lolo what team are we rooting for again?" I was so confused usually I just picked my favorite uniform out of the two.

" the blue one nicki, look for Megan she's got cornrows in for this game" Lauren was the most excited, I was just there for the food and the cute players. As of right now all I've got is a empty stomach and a noise complaint, this popcorn wasn't doing much.

" ALRIGHT HERE IN THIS CORNER WE HAVE THE GREEN BELLY LIZARDSSSS" I started laughing hysterically, the green belly lizards. But then again there was worse.

"BOOOOOOO" Lauren let out a screeching boo as the rival team ran out.I cringed a bit but she was rude or die, she was gonna holler and hoot for her team.

" AND OVER THERE THE WARRIORSSSSSSSS" the crowd went crazy screaming a chant the warriors did.

A/N: just pretend that there's a imaginary set of teams

"WOOOOOO YESSS LETS GO MEGAN" megan and them ran out of their corner, we was on their court so there was mostly warrior fans.

I set my eyes on a blond haired woman, who was mighty fine.

She was thick, but really they all were. They looked beautiful like love of my life beautiful not "yeah can I get your number so we can do things" beautiful. Like I was tryna marry.

The blond girl was the co captain next to Megan the captain, Lauren told me after she witnessed me hella confused.All the players had a little practice session before the game, they all ran shooting the basketballs in the hoops, the warriors swishing every time.

" theres Megan right there, and you see the girl next to her, that's Beyonce, she's super killer, great hooper." I just nodded and slipped popcorn in my mouth never taking my eyes off of Beyonce.

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