-I want a slice of that-

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Onika pov

I was actually happy to come into the office today. It was a Friday morning and a calming day at that.

I got this job about 6 months ago, I love it. My coworkers are cool as fuck, my job is easy, my work space is clean, and my boss is fine as fuck.

This grown woman could have something growing inside me.

I have to control myself all day everyday because I don't want to get fired, but I need a piece of that. That's another reason why I was so happy to go to work today.

Beyonce, the highest status in the building. I felt like a school girl with a crush. My female hormones came into play anytime Beyonce was around.

Looking at her feminine body, listening to her deep voice, nothing was better.

" heyyy Robyn!" My work best friend was always early so I made my entrance and sat right beside her at the front desk.

" girlll dat hoochie ova there been staring me down, I'm so glad you finally showed up" she rolled her eyes and gave Teyana a death glare.

" hey now, I love my job but lord knows I like to sleep" we both died laughing until a car pulled up outside of the office.

A Rolls Royce Phantom in a golden shade of yellow parked with her black tint.

Just her car alone had me dripping all over.

" pick ya damn mouth off the floor, and cross ya legs, horny fuck..." i quickly got myself together as Robyn so viciously demanded.

Looking in the mirror I fixed my hair and practiced batting my eyelashes. Remembering where I was I looked up and heard the clicking of Beyoncé's heels.

My jaw instantly locked up and my eyes glazed over.

Scanning over her outfit, I had to go back up to her breast, they were damn near calling my name

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Scanning over her outfit, I had to go back up to her breast, they were damn near calling my name.

" good morning girls!" She walked up to the desk finally looking up from her phone and taking her sunglasses off.

I let out a whimper as I became stiff with arousal.

" hey Beyonce" Robyn tapped my thigh making me snap out of the trance I was in.

" hey..." she looked suspicious between the both of us.

" Robyn you better not be getting onika high at work with you" it was like Robyn getting scolded by a parent.

" I'm not that low Beyonce, we both know onika can't take it". they shared a laugh And thankfully it allowed me to pay closer attention to the conversation.

I rolled my eyes at Robyn for making the comment about me and everything seemed to be normal after that.

"Well anyways, I have a meeting around noon, and can you schedule a photo shoot with Blair Caldwell, and ask him to contact my label about the theme and accessories. Robyn write this the fuck down!"

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