-Vanilla honeycomb-

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Beyonce POV

I'm not popular, never have been probably never will be but you know who was? Onika.

And I have a fat crush on her but I've never held a conversation with her.

The beginning of the school year was nice, we would talk every now and then and after a couple of months of me being hella nervous and jittery during our conversations she gave up. I don't know if it's because I was being weird or she just doesn't have the time of day to talk to someone like me.

This weekend my sister took me to the mall and we went shopping.

" BB come here..." I walked over to her after walking through multiple racks of clothing. Shopping was never my strong suit.

" we have to get you right before you graduate, really knock it out of the park so they remember you" she held up a tight crop top.

"Bleh solo, I'm not wearing that AT ALL" I rolled my eyes.

" and why not?" She scrunched up her face.

" LOOK AT ME" I ran my hand along my sweatpants that I wear every week. My hair was enough evidence.

"But your body is to die for why do you hide it under baggy clothing... especially if onika knows of your existen-" I put my hand over her mouth.

" code name" I gritted through my teeth.

She scoffed, " Barbie..." she rolled her eyes. She keep on acting like that ima leave her in this mall, she has no license, where she gonna go?.

" she knows you Beyonce, I would see y'all in the hallway talking. Wear something that's gonna get her attention." I stared at the crop top in confusion.

"If that's what it takes..." I weakly grabbed it and folded it over my arm.

" hey, you asked me to help you and that's what I'm doing ok... you should be happy with who you are but if this is what you want then go all out" she said encouraging me.

It's true I asked her for help. It was like the last week of school and my senior year. I wanted to at least show what I could look like if I was popular.

"Ouuuu let's go to bath and body works!" Solange squealed.

She's a junior in high school so we were pretty close in age, she was definitely into fashion and aesthetic more than me so that's why I asked for her help.

"Cmonnnn bey we can smell all the fruity smells... well, if I wanted to smell something fruity I'd just give you a hug" she cackled and I just slapped her arm.

" solo, don't get hurt" she stopped laughing and rolled her eyes.

" who gon hurt me?!?!" She asked as she pulled me further and further into the store, she's not slick.

" ME! Remember that one time when I body slam-" " yeah yeah Beyonce I remember" she's salty as fuck.

We went to the perfume section and tested a couple of smells, they were good but they wouldn't fit on me. I could definitely smell this 'pineapple island' on onika though. So I bought it to visual-... nevermind.

Solange left me to go flirt with boys who were probably here for their girlfriends but I don't even have the time to deal with her right now.

"Vanilla honeycomb?". I sprayed it on a test paper and it hit me so hard I could feel the smell going in my veins. How that happens I don't know but that's why I felt.

"Whew, that's it!" I went to every section of the store, from the body washes to the lotions to the moisturizer grabbing the 'vanilla honeycomb' sent every time.

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