-Yes Ms.Knowles-

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Beyonce was the principal at western high school, she's been serving 6 years as the principal so far and has led over 10,000 kids to graduation. Let's just say she loves her job.

All the students loved her, she would call kids out of class just to give them a piece of candy. The teachers, well they probably loved her more than the students. She would never ask of them to work overtime, or spend extra money on the kids. She paid for expenses with the money she earned from ivy park.

"Ms. Knowles I was wondering if I could talk to you for a minute" a student sniffling from crying her eyes out walked up to her. The first thing Ms.Knowles did was pull the heartbroken girl in her arms and hold her tight.

She hushed her cries and wiped her tears. " Of course you can, just come into my office." She stopped everything she was doing and pulled the girl into her office, she sat her down and handed her some tissues. "Zendaya...what's wrong baby?"

" I don't know I just... my.. my boyfriend cheated on me and I have two tests to take back to back in math and I don't know anything.. *sniff* I'm just really stressed". Zendaya cried some more as Beyonce sat there coming up with a solution to her problems.

" aww baby just breath. I will let you take the test here in my office during lunch, is that ok?" She said, you could hear the Texan accent braided into her sentence that soothed the young girl.

She nodded, her head lifting showing her puffy eyes and a smile. She hugged Ms. Knowles and ran to the rest room to wash her face off. She went to class and laughed with her friends as if nothing had even happened.

Ms.Knowles could light up a room and cure each and everyone's depression just by touching their shoulder and saying " baby".

But one teacher, Ms.Minaj, had a uncommon feeling about Ms.Knowles. She would complain to her co workers about how fishy her kindness is. And each co worker was allergic to talking bad about Ms. Knowles therefore annoying the grumpy teacher.

Minaj had attempted to start many arguments with the principal and every time she doesn't succeed to get the worst out of her. Also known as Nicki, she's been teaching for about a year, and everyday she would scowl at Beyonce, she hated the way everyone liked her, she seemed so perfect.

But surprisingly, any time Beyonce would hold meetings with the staff members, Nickis core throbs and sobs as Beyonce speaks.

Matter of fact every time Beyonce speaks Nickis panties become soaked.

Nicki and the rest of the staff have a meeting with Beyonce in a couple of minutes.

Nicki POV

The bell just rung so all of my annoying 10th graders just left for lunch. As I'm walking down the hall to the meeting I stop and analyze all the photos of the principals since 1998. I don't know why but I always just skip the old men and go straight to Ms. Knowles.

She was the only one smiling. It angered me but also melted me heart how cute she looked in all 6 photos.

In all honesty I didn't like Beyonce I almost hated her but the way she has my body feeling tells otherwise.

After seeing her roam the halls, talk and stare at me I go home and vibrate my life away, and it's all because of her. I find myself staring too long at her photo and I get scared when she pops out of no where.

" hey Nicki, what's wrong?" She touches my shoulder , and my whole body develops goosebumps.

I roll my eyes to hide my new excitement. I stand one side of my hips and place my hand right above it.

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