Beyonce dominating ?

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"You know how pretty you look Y/N?" She said looking at me lotion up. I had just gotten out of the shower and she was just now waking up, but seems as if she's been up for a minute.

"Thank you beybey" I say finally slipping on my panties , a large shirt and some white socks. I crawl into bed with her and lay my head on her chest while she's kissing my forehead.

"Hold on is that my shirt?!?" She says looking me over. I giggle and she groans. "Your lucky your Y/N" she says speaking to me with a chuckle.

"And if I wasn't?" I said sitting up looking down at her. " it's not possible for someone to not be you cuz I wouldn't be with anyone else, promise that" she said kissing my angry lips.

" good answer" I say laying back on her chest.we switched places and now she was laying on my chest. My bare chest was slightly visible because I had cut the shirt into a V neck. If I was anybody else doing that to her clothes she would've been slapped me.

"Baby I'm hungry" Beyonce said after 10 minutes of just laying there. " what do you want to eat baby?" I asked pausing the TV.

"Can I show you something?" She said and I nodded thinking she was gonna look up a picture on her phone. She smiled and it made me curious. She grabbed the blindfold from the closet and told me to put it on.

I obliged and still sat there waiting. She turned the lights low and tied my hands above my head.

" Beyonce...what are you doing" I say with a smirk knowing damn well what she wanted to eat now. It took her a while to come out of the closet and my nerves of what she was going to do made me shiver.

" relax baby" she said and I felt a dip in the bed. Her soft hands reached up and slowly pulled my panties down. She lifted my legs and saw my bare and sticky pussy.

"It's so pretty Y/ pink" she said whispering and gripping my thighs harder. I pulled the rope on my wrists but it was no use.

" thank you" I staggered out. I could hear her licking her thumb and then place it on my slit, spreading my lips and admiring the pink hole gaping at her. I felt it leak with wetness and I know she saw it, that's what made me squirm. She used her other thumb and spread me wide open even more.

My breath shattered as I felt exposed and aroused for her and it turned me on even more.

Her tongue dipped into my slit, getting as much of my wetness as she could. My back arched as she went to town eating me out. My clit pulsating under her wet tongue.

" fuckkkk" I say still pulling on the rope. "Talk to me baby" she says as she sucks harder on my clit and starting to rub her two fingers against my slit.

As she eased them inside I yelped out. " OH BEYONCE-" as she hummed in response and my legs started to shake. She twisted her fingers in me hitting my spots over and over again, while her tongue continued to suck and flick my clit.

My back arched and I let out a long moan. I felt her release spit on my clit and let it glide down just passed my slit. I shivered and she cooed at me.

" shh baby, let me make you feel good" I nodded and bit my bottom lip to prevent my whines from getting higher. She lapped up every drop that released form me and I tried my best to contain my moan.

" lemme hear you pretty girl" she said catching her breath and thrusting her fingers back into me. She looked up with her eyes low, like she was drunk off my taste. I threw my head back and released the long moan I was holding back. She smiled and started thrusting harder hitting my spot with every twist.

She raised up and lifted my blindfold but my eyes stayed closed trying not to give in.

"Look at me" she demanded with her deep throaty tone. As soon as I made eye contact with Beyonce my legs began shaking. My creams poured out of my walls and tightened around her long fingers.

She kept contact with me while she licked all my juices up, cleaning me up. She came up to me and kissed me passionately and hard. My tongue swept all of the cream in her mouth into mine and I swallowed tasting my sweet juice. It almost made me cum again, the way the kiss was so nasty.

Everything from our mouths dripped down in the middle of my chest. Ripping my shirt off she sucked whatever fell on my boobs and into her mouth, making her way to my nipples. My breathing sped up as I watched her lick our mess from my hard nipples.

" I'm so addicted" she groaned biting down onto my nipple. I winced and pulled harder onto the rope still holding my wrists over my head.

"Mm I'm sorry baby lemme get those off, did it hurt?" She says letting go of me and untying the rope. I moaned a no. " I love it" I whispered and my wrists fell free, I pulled her to me and kissed her roughly.

She laughed at my eagerness, but I needed her. She had gotten me started and there was no way for me slowing down.

I started grabbing at her pants and her shirt and she pinned my arms up again.

" don't make me rope you up again" she said sternly. I bit my lip and stopped moving while she dominated me. " I'm gonna give you what you want baby, l know what you want" she said giving me kisses in between.

She let go of my wrists and started pulling her pants down slowly. She bit her lip while looking at me below her, panting. Her beautiful naked skin slowly revealing, from her navel to her lower hips. I saw the color of our favorite toy attached and tightly wrapped around her. My eyes followed her hands as she grabbed the clear blue dildo with a firm grip.

"Is this what you want, mmh?" She said, her eyes never leaving mine, I nodded bitting my lip and she watched me as my stomach rose and fell from getting aroused.

" can you take it baby?" She said leaning over me pinning her hands behind me on the pillow. Her lips close as she spoke nasty to me, I could feel the tip of the cold toy rub against my clit.

"Mmmm yes daddy I'll take it" I groaned getting aroused every second she stared at me deep in my eyes.

She stared at me biting her lip and rotated her hips against my pussy getting the toy wet. My eyes rolled back and I let the pleasure take over me. I was stopped when she gripped my jaw making me look her dead in her eyes, when I made full eye contact she slipped into me slowly. She let out a light groan at how tight I was and my mouth dropped open, my eyes squinting with pleasure.

Slowly she took her time digging out my guts, I could feel her all in my stomach, the way she angled her strokes and made the tip touch my womb.

I moaned and panted as she teased me, starting to only stick the tip in. "More please" I whispered. "Do you deserve it?" She asked finally slipping out.

I nodded and whined putting on my best act. She knew she couldn't hold off any longer because of what I do to her so she folded and lined the tip up with my center again.

This time pounding into me, she thrusted hard and dug into my spots.

" OH FUCKKK BEY-" I was cut off by a gasp of air I needed to take.

I placed my hand on her stomach trying to push her off of me but she just got more forceful. " no. Take it Y/N" she said huffing and puffing.

"Take it good, be my good girl" she said out of breath. Gripping my waist she slammed into me focusing on our bodies colliding. "Take this dick Y/N, you wanted this" I nodded and took every inch she gave me because I love being good for her.

My stomach tightened and I could tell she was close the way her head fell back and how the strap moved against her clit.

"Fuckkk, baby you like that?" She said with staggered breath. Stared at the toy going in and out of my gushing pussy. I moaned in response as the orgasm took both of us over, our legs shaking against each other and moaning in each others mouth.

She slipped out of me and gave me sweet kisses all around me. We were so worn out but Beyonce got up and wiped us off with a warm rag and we dozed off to sleep.

I like to think of Beyonce as more dominating so there will be more like these cuz I like the thought and scenes 😭


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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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