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Onika POV
6 years old

"BB you don't have to leave" I pouted walking towards Beyonce. We were in her room, playing family.

" I have to go to work sweetie" she pecked my forehead and it made me giggle. " ok but you have to kiss Beyonce junior". Beyonce stopped and put her paper suitcase down onto the floor walking over to our baby.

She pecked it's forehead and rocked it a little making sure it was sleep.

" can I have one more kiss?" I pouted playing with my fingers.

She then walked over and placed a kiss on the side of my mouth right next to the opening of m lips. My stomach was filled with butterflies as I saw Beyonce walk into the closet to go to work.

"Waaaa waaaa" I made baby noises to indicate the baby crying. " aww baby, your daddy will be home soon". And if on cue, Beyonce came back with a bag.

"Hey babe I got you some McDonald's!" She held the bag up and taking it to the play kitchen.

" I wanted Popeyes" I crossed my arms forgetting all about the baby. " umm I will go back and and get some" she said putting on her jacket again.

" really?" I asked getting excited.

" yeah anything for my wife" she kissed me on the side of my lips again, getting closer and closer to the real thing.

Before she could fake drive her mom called her and she ran out.she soon came back with a '10 piece chicken tenders, 4 biscuits, and a side of Mac and cheese'.

Funny thing is it was a actual bag of Popeyes not just a fake shoe box. I squealed as I smelt the chicken through the air.

" I know you like Popeyes so my mom got us real Popeyes for dinner. I wanted to surprise you!" My eyes went wide as I remember telling her my love for Popeyes.

"Y'all go down to the real kitchen and eat ok!" I heard mama Tina yell into the room. "OK!" We ran into the kitchen to split the tenders and shared a barbecue sauce packet together.

Surprisingly me and Beyonce lived right next to each other, no kidding the house is so close that we can see our rooms through the window. Like every detail.

We've been friends since birth so it's no surprise how close we are.

Beyonce POV
10 years old

Me and onika had taking up a cooking class after school and it was really fun.

Today we plan on making cupcakes for the kindergartners. We have a bunch to make so we have to stay later.

We walked down to the cafeteria and went straight to the back setting out bags down at the door.

Teyana and Ariana were already there, our other friends.

" you know this is going to take forever?" I nodded rolling my eyes.

"I only signed up for you, you begged me to cook with you, now look at us" I mimicked her begging and she chuckled punching my arm lightly.

" you would've joined anyway, you know you have to be here to take care of me" she did that same pleading pout like when we were 6. It always got me.

I dropped the subject because her pout struck again and I started to pick up some bowls.

" Ms. Taraji went to the store to get some more cupcake paper but she said we get started mixing since we have everything ready" Teyana said.

We nodded and went straight to the sink to wash our hands, these kids get too sick too easily.

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