-Fuck me up-

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Beyonce POV

"So- so who's Rachel? HUH, who's that bitch Jessie, Ariana, Halley, HUH ONIKA" I screamed and threw a plate at the wall.

It broke into hundreds of tiny pieces and scattered all around the floor.

"YOU GOT ME FUCKED UP ONIKA" I screamed bloody murder with tears streaming down my face.

"Baby..." she whispered.

"DONT baby me. YOUR A FUCK UP!!" She stood up finally after sitting down staring at the wall.

"You don't mean that bey please... calm down" I shook my head in disbelief.

"Calm down?. You have cheated on me all this time and I KNEW, but I stayed. Because I love you." My hand shook as I pointed at her.

" I should put a FUCKING bullet in your head Onika!" I tapped her head with my hand in the shape of a gun.

I was dead serious, my gun stayed ready. I have no problem putting it in her. She won't be able to hurt me no more and she won't be able to fuck other bitches.

"Beyonce please. I'm sorry it was a mistake." My eyes bulged out of my head.

" a fucking mistake?? Oh ok so you made a mistake at least 8 times and learned nothing?!? Your stupid as fuck onika" I started to chuckle to myself as tears continued to stream down my face.

I started looking for my gun. I patted my waist hoping it was on my belt.

"Where the fuck is my gun onika?" I looked in all of the cabinets since that's where she hid it the last time I threatened to use it.

"Beyonce just stop, is killing me really gonna solve the problem?!?" I stopped and looked her dead in her eyes.

She backed down and went back over to the couch taking a seat.

"When I find it hoe, best believe someone's dying, I don't give a flying fuck who it is" I threw things out of the drawers and they went flying as I looked for my black glock 17.

I stole that from a cop while we were running from them. I'd really hate to use it on her especially since we both were apart of the memory getting it.

"Beyonce have you taken your medicine today baby please?" I slammed the drawer closed making her jump.

"Dont turn this on me... I'm perfectly fine without the medicine, I should've put a bullet in that bitch too..." I whispered that last part.

"Baby I'm sorry, but what do you expect from a stripper... I have to get money."

"EVRRY BITCH IN THERE GETS A STACK FOR TWERKING ON STAGE... THEIR NOT SITTING ON PLASTIC DICKS!" I screamed once again, starting to get a headache from my own cries.

Rubbing my temples I moved past onika and walked into our bedroom, leaving her in the kitchen.

I looked through the bathroom, the covers, the closet, the desk. I looked through our bags of stolen stuff. It was hard trying to live like us.

Even though me and onika are considered bad guys, we really wanna be better. We give any food we steal to kids in the neighborhood and we pay for our siblings care.

All of this almost made me forget what I was doing. Almost.

Finally looking in a dark box behind the curtain I found it. I held it with a smile loving the feel of it in my hands.

My caramel skin looked so good next the the solid black handle.

The bullets looked good too.

I tucked the gun in my waist band and I fixed my clothes in the bathroom.

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