ᵗᵉˢᵗⁱⁿᵍ ᵗʰᵉ ʷᵃᵗᵉʳˢ

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A/N: Pretend it's Y/N and Neteyam in the pic above <3sᴏɴɢ: ɢɪʀʟs ɴᴇᴇᴅ ʟᴏᴠᴇ, sᴜᴍᴍᴇʀ ᴡᴀʟᴋᴇʀ꧁    ༆    ꧂

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A/N: Pretend it's Y/N and Neteyam in the pic above <3
sᴏɴɢ: ɢɪʀʟs ɴᴇᴇᴅ ʟᴏᴠᴇ, sᴜᴍᴍᴇʀ ᴡᴀʟᴋᴇʀ
꧁    ༆    ꧂


Morning came and Tsireya and I already started getting ready. I was excited to see Neteyam again. He made me feel something I couldn't describe just yet. I wanted to explore that feeling fully.

After finishing getting ready and eating a light breakfast, which was awkward due to the argument between Aonung and myself last night, we head out to begin lessons. Today we would be testing the waters with the Sully family and maybe I, would test the waters with Neteyam.

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Roxto joins Tsireya, Aonung and I outside the Sully's marui pod as we wait for them to finish eating. When they finally come out, I lock eyes with Neteyam who smiles and waves to me which I reciprocate back. I see Aonung roll his eyes at these gestures and stick my tongue out at him.

"Alright, we'll start off simple with diving and swimming. Just try and keep us with us," I instruct the family.

They all nod and us Metakayina kids dive in before the rest. After beginning to swim we look back to see the Sullys jumping in with...strange techniques. The boys cannonball in and the girls meekly jump, all of them resemble the little kids of the clan jumping in for their first time.

As we begin to swim we see the Sullys far behind us. We sign to them, "Swim to us," but they don't seem to understand.

Tsireya then motions for them to follow us but they struggle to keep up. After holding their breath for what seems like a short time to us, they swim up to the surface and we follow them.

"You're too fast! Wait for us!" the youngest, Tuk complains. "Just breathe," Tsireya bluntly says. Aonung rises from the water, "You are not good divers, maybe good at swinging through trees..but-" "Aonung!" I reprimand, giving him a slap on his neck which he hisses at.

"C'mon bro," Lo'ak chimes in. "We don't speak this finger talk," Neteyam says, mocking the motions with his fingers. "We don't know what you're saying," "I will teach you," Tsireya reassures them.

"Where is Kiri?" Roxto then wonders out loud. "Kiri?" Tuk chimes, looking for her older sister. "Where is Kiri," he then repeats. "I will look for her," I say, "She can't be far," I feel a hand on my wrist and look up to see Neteyam, "Um I'll follow you," he shyly says, embarrassed as he notices his brother smirking towards him.

"You think you can keep up with Y/N?" Aonung laughs to himself and Neteyam raises an eyebrow. "She isn't even one of fastest swimmers of the young kids in clan and you still couldn't keep up. Finding Kiri is urgent," Roxto says, making me blush at the insult. "It's fine, Neyam will come with me," I say, diving into the water ushering him to follow me.

As I turn around to see how far away he is and see him pretty far back. I smile slightly, swimming backwards to keep my eye on him. I then swim towards him and motion for him to breathe which he nods at. I grab his hand smoothly and lead him around, coming up for air a few times until we find Kiri in the corals.

Motioning for her to come up she follows us to the surface. "Sorry guys! I got so distracted with how beautiful it was," she shyly apologizes. "No worries," I say. "I think we're doing Ilus now so let's be on our way back," I tell them and we all began swimming back to join the others.

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Each of us take one Sully to help out and I of course rush to Neteyam to help him. "If you want to live here, you have to ride," Aonung says, which all the kids nod to. All of us begin helping the kids separately and I go to Neteyams side.

Aonung clicks his tongue and a few Ilus come to us. I find one and lead it over to Neteyam. "Here," I say as Neteyam begins stroking her, then putting one leg over her getting into a riding position.

"All right now make the bond," I say. He grabs his braid from his back and his thin but still obvious arm muscles flex, making me feel a flush of color on my face. He closes his eyes and pauses to inhale as he forms a bond between the the ilu and himself.

"Good, now think of when you want to go and don't take it too fast," I say to him. He doesn't answer and instead just stares at my lips. I fluster up again and insecurely put a hand over my mouth. "Understand Neyam?" I ask him and he wakes up from whatever daydream he was just in, looking embarrassed, "Uh yes! S-sorry," he stutters out quickly . He slowly inhales and after a moment takes off on the creature.

He has a great run until eventually he falls off. Aonung laughs and looks at me, "Like I say Y/N, they don't belong here." Aonung cruelly jokes and I ignore him and rush to Neteyam's side.

"Neteyam, are you alright?" I ask. "Aw you called me Neteyam," he says sarcastically putting a hand over his heart and I give him a shove. "Whatever, c'mon let's have you try again, you did fine," I say. "Did I do better than Lo'ak?" he asks and I turn my head to see Lo'ak getting flung off for the second time. I laugh to myself. "If you did it's not saying much. Kiri however is beating both of you," I acknowledge looking at the girl who is riding perfectly without any help from Aonung.

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After a few rides everyone, with the exception of Lo'ak, seems to get the exercise right. "Once Lo'ak gets it we'll move on," Tsireya says before going back to help the boy who's red from embarrassment.

"I think Lo'ak is trying too hard to impress your sister," Neteyam laughs. "Yea, looks like it. You know we're not related though right?" I ask him and he looked surprised. "Really? You live with them though and you're so close, sorry I assumed." he says, "It's fine." I quickly say. Not wanting to tell him about why I live with the family, I speedily change the subject. "Want to go for a ride around the reef while we wait?" I ask him and his eyes light up as he nods his head.

I jump on my ilu, Aniz and Neteyam sits close behind me. "Hold on tight okay," I say grabbing his arms from his side and wrapping them around my stomach, knowing exactly what i'm doing.

I feel his closeness. His body pressed so close against mine and his slow breath on my neck as his hands are tightly entangled around my torso. His chest is against my back, as I feel his fast heartbeat.

"Do you not trust me?" I ask him. "I-I do," he stutters out, almost unsure of his words. "Then why is your heartbeat so fast?" I innocently ask, smirking as I turn my head to see his red face directly behind me, so close our noses nearly touch.

I look into his left eye and then to his right finally down to his parted lips. "I can't um control it," he shyly says. "Then I ask again,"

"Do you trust me, my Neyam?"

This was testing the waters, exploring the chemistry. My way of figuring out if this was another crush like Aonung or something more.

"I um-"

"Hey! Nice job Lo'ak!" Tsireya cheers loudly which makes me turn my head back. "Guys he did it! C'mon, let's go work on breathing now," she waves us over. "Aw no fun, c'mon forest boy, we can continue our ride later." I say hopping off my ilu and swimming over to the rest leaving Neteyam completely dumbfounded.

As I swim away I can't help but cringe at my boldness but, it was worth it seeing pretty boy all flustered. After we joined the others we began teaching them the next lesson

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1361 words
The End
A/N: Sorry for short chapter but hope you guys like it!! Make sure to vote and comment! Hope u enjoyed the lil spiciness of this one and happy new year!!


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