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Sᴏɴɢs: Pʀᴇᴛᴛʏ ʙᴏʏ, ᴛʜᴇ Nᴇɪɢʜʙᴏʀʜᴏᴏᴅ꧁    ༆    ꧂𝑌/𝑁,𝑠 𝑃𝑂𝑉:

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Sᴏɴɢs: Pʀᴇᴛᴛʏ ʙᴏʏ, ᴛʜᴇ Nᴇɪɢʜʙᴏʀʜᴏᴏᴅ
꧁    ༆    ꧂
𝑌/𝑁,𝑠 𝑃𝑂𝑉:

"W-what? Joke? You are joking?" I laugh in disbelief. He removes his hand from his chest and the blood instantly begins flowing out into the water.

I hear the sound of a boom as my heart drops at the sight of his injury.

"Help! Help him!" I call out to Tsireya who rushes over to the boy on her ilu. "Help me! Help me lift him," I yell at her panicking as I try to help him on with all of my might. She quickly helps me get him onto the ilu which is now out of room for more people. "Y/N! Try and squeeze in," Tsireya says and I shake my head, "I'll follow you just hurry!" I say, "Are you sure you can swim that fas-" "Go!" I shout angrily at her, clasping a hand to my mouth at my harsh tone. "It's okay we got you bro," Lo'ak comforts his brother as they ride away.

As they ride away I swim as quickly as I can but fall behind quickly. I can't stand the sight of it, the sight of his pained face and the injury that should have been mine.

I've realized now that the bullet I thought I had dodged, was blocked by him.

The anxiety makes it harder to swim and I only end up about 30 meters from where I started.

"Y/N," I hear a voice say from behind me. I look and see Ronal who stares at me intensely. "Ronal! Neteyam! He's been shot, help please," I beg the woman, who's eyes soften at the news.

"Get on," she sternly says and I quickly obey. "How bad is it? His injury?" Ronal asks and I stutter, "I don't know but it's a shot in the chest." I say as tears now stream down my cheeks dripping onto my lap as they fall. "There! They're there!" I point them out to herand she urges her ilu to get closer.

We see Neytiri arriving with her mate slightly before us and the woman immediately cries in disbelief.

"My Neyam!" I call out as I rush towards him, "Y/N!" a wrist grabs me, "Let him be with his family," Ronal says, and my head hangs before another hand grabs the wrist off of me.

"She is his family," Neytiri hisses at the woman as she pulls me towards him. "And you, Tsahik! Do something! You stand here watching my son bleed to death!" the mother shouts, her voice powerful yet the fear was still heard through it. Ronal, a strong independent woman herself, instantly obeys the woman and walks to the boy at the woman's words.

The three of us along with Neteyam's dad and brother sit around the boy. Ronal digs through a satchel around her as I grab a hold of Neteyam's hand making him turn to me. "My Y/N, you came," he smiles at me and I use my other hand to hold his face. "You're going to be okay my Neyam. Ronal is here, she will save you," I tell him trying to believe it myself. Ronal looks to me with sadness in her eyes at my words as she sighs to herself making me worry more.

"Steady breathing," Neteyam's dad tells him and I squeeze his hand with encouragement. I hum to myself anxiously bouncing my knee as Ronal starts the process of healing the boy.

"Sing," the boy chokes out, his struggle to breathe making my heart sink into my stomach. "Neteyam, what did you say?" Neytiri asks her face wet and voice scratchy from crying so much. "Y/N, sing," he repeats himself. "Anything, anything for you. What song? Tell me and I'll sing for you," I say to the boy, voice shaking.

"The song you sang," he says taking a breath in between, "From the night we met," he roughly says, blood now coming from his mouth in a cough making me gasps. "My Neyam," I cry as he takes fast paced panicked breath.

"Sing for me, just before I go," he cries out, his words making me shake my head, "No my Neyam, you're not going! You're..you're okay!" I reassure him stopping as I say it from sobs.

"I love you, all of you. I'm sorry for this," He finally says, eyes closing.

I freeze, watching his movements fully stop.

"My Neyam! Neteyam!" I cry, my face falling into my hands as they muffle my sobs.

I hear Neytiri's screams and pained cries which hurts me more. I shake my head as I cry still squeezing his now lifeless hand. I put my ear to my chest and hear his short and slow heartbeats.

"Ronal! His heart! Hear his heart, it continues beating," I shout to the woman who's head perks up. "True? Let me hear," she says putting her hands to his chest as her eyes light up, "His heart, it beats!" she tells the family, "It is faint, but it beats," she says making the family sigh, "Will he live?" his father asks who hasn't spoken until now. Ronal shakes her head, "I doubt it," she bluntly says making me sniff, and the family continue their cries.

"Have hope!" I cry out making the family turn their heads to me. "Please have hope for him, hope will save him. Eywa will be with him if we hope," I say but they all seem to not have any. "If I have hope, than I am at peace," I tell them and they seem to be too upset to hear my words.

I look to my mate, he looks lifeless but he is not. I heard the life in him. I have hope for him, that's what matters, but I have anger, anger for who's done this. I seek revenge and vengeance for my mate.

"Ronal could you please stay with him?" I ask wiping the tears off my now puffy face. The woman nods, "Where are you going?" she asks, "To find the demon who's done this," I tell her, she nods her head to me and hands me her spear, "Fight for him, I will do all I can for Neteyam," she tells me and I force out a smile at the woman now treating me like a daughter again. "Thank you," I whisper, turning to Neteyam and kissing his heart softly.

"Please keep living, my Neyam," I whisper, letting a final tear fall from my face onto his.

"Come Y/N," Neytiri's voice says from behind me and I turn my neck to see her once sad eyes now filled with rage.

"Let's get our revenge,"

꧁    ༆    ꧂

1300 words
The End
A/N: Hope y'all like this sorry if it's a lil sad 🤭

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