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sᴏɴɢ: swᴇᴇᴛ ᴄɪɢᴀʀᴇᴛᴛᴇs ᴀꜰᴛᴇʀ sᴇx

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sᴏɴɢ: swᴇᴇᴛ ᴄɪɢᴀʀᴇᴛᴛᴇs ᴀꜰᴛᴇʀ sᴇx

𝑌/𝑁'𝑠 𝑃𝑂𝑉:

I wake up with an arm around me and I turn around to see Neteyam still sleeping. I take in the moment as I shift back into my mate's arm feeling it then move as I hear him rustle besides me. "No go back to sleep," I mumble as I feel him wake up, hearing him laugh as he quickly pecks my cheek.

"No, I want to fully enjoy the first day of us officially being mates," he tells me, sitting up which I groan to. "What is the plan for today?" I ask Neteyam and he shrugs, "We come clean, we'll walk into the village hand in hand and say, we are now mated," he explains. "Whatever happens we'll take it, together," I smile at his words and sit up to face him. I sneak a kiss on him and he blushes at the action.

"It's funny, we're mated and you still blush when I kiss you," I playfully bully my new mate while he covers his face in embarrassment. "Hey! Don't hide your pretty face!" I say grabbing his hands off him, "Pretty? Pretty is for girls, why am I not handsome?" he asks me seeming slightly offended. I laugh at his silliness and kiss him one more time, making him more flustered than the first time as he turns his head to hide himself.

"You are both my Neyam, and you are perfect." I tell him making his eyes glow, "Really?" he questions suspiciously and I nod, "You can say I'm perfect too," I roll my eyes and he smirks, "I don't have to tell you for you to know but I will, my Y/N, your perfect," he tells me and I open my mouth pretending to be shocked, "Who? Me? Oh you're too sweet," I joke and we laugh, beginning to get up.

"Before we leave, will you do one thing for me?" he quickly asks taking a hold of my wrist. "Anything, my Neyam," I respond. "Anything?" he asks and I nod. "Then sing for me," he requests once more, making my face flush. "No! I already told you it's super embarrassing singing to only one person," I say denying his request which the boy pouts at. "But my Y/N, I have only heard you sing once," he complains and I roll my eyes.

"In the future, when I sing to our kids, then you can listen," I tell him causing him to smile at the idea. "How many kids?" He asks me and I think for a moment, "10," I finally decide which his eyes widen too. "Are you sure, that's gonna hurt," he says scratching his nape as I see him begin thinking about it, "Ew gross! Are you imagining it?" I tease him and he denies it, "Huh! No! I swear?" "You so were!" "I was just imagining what a perfect family it'd be, I wonder what our kids would look like," he says. "Do you think they'll have violet eyes like me?" I ask him and he shrugs, "Hopefully,"

"Where would we raise them anyways? I would love to see the forest," I tell him and his eyes gleam at the thought, "I would like that, but we'll visit it at least once. Maybe even soon!" he offers and I smile. "Just the two of us?" I ask him and he nods, "I'll introduce you to my people and show you all the beautiful places. I'll fly you around on my ikran and I'll get to teach you our ways," he excitedly says.

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