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sᴏɴɢ: ᴅᴜᴠᴇᴛ, ʙᴏᴀ

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sᴏɴɢ: ᴅᴜᴠᴇᴛ, ʙᴏᴀ

'꧁    ༆    ꧂


I arrive back on my ilu with Neteyam behind me to see not only my family, but Neteyam's waiting for us at the entrance of my home. We get up from my ilu letting our heads hang low, already knowing of the reprimanding that was coming.

"Irresponsible," Tonowari says, after sitting us down. "You two snuck off in the middle of the night to do..Eywa knows what! And I have to find out about this from my son?" he says, pointing at Aonung who I now know was the snitch. "Tonowari I am sorry, I was just showing Neteyam around the reef," I say. "Then do it with others!" he shouts. "Two young kids? One male and one female? Do you realize how inappropriate that just sounds?" he questions and Neteyam and I glance at each other, both embarrassed from what he was hinting at. "It's not like that, she just showed me around that is it!" he claimed. "That's enough!" his father shouts at the boy. "I am sorry, this will not happen again," he says to the chief bowing his head. The family leaves, leaving me all alone with the rest of the punishment. "Come inside girl," Ronal commands and I follow her in.

The two sit me down and I see Tsireya and Aonung listening in from the corner. "Y/N we know we are not your parents, but we are your guardians and we decide what is best," "And being with that forest boy is not best!" Ronal hisses, interrupting her mate. "He is not in your future Y/N, you're the village's gem." he says making me stare at my feet, "You've become the village's songbird, your mother would be jealous that you took her spot. You have a strong future," he continues, glancing over to Aonung strangely, which I raise my eyebrows to. "Which is why you must stop being such a smart girl making such stupid decisions!" Ronal adds, which her mate puts a hand up to, stopping her. "We suggest you refrain from seeing him one on one. I am fine with you making friends but that is all. Understood?" he asks and I nod my head holding it low as I go to Tsireya who stands besides Aonung. I scoff at him in annoyance as Tsireya and I got to our beds.

Going to bed was hard. My mind wouldn't let go of all the images from tonight. The way it ended was just the worst thing to end a perfect night. Aonung had pissed me off by telling his father and it only made me angrier at him.

I was worried of what Neteyam's father had said to him. Worried he wouldn't be allowed near me anymore. I went to bed with hope for a better situation in the morning.

꧁    ༆    ꧂

I woke up from the night to see the sun was barely peaking out. I step outside my pod to see Aonung staring at the sun rise. I stand besides him, "Why?" I simply ask, knowing he knows exactly what I'm talking about. He shakes his head, "You know why," he mumbles and my eyes widen.

"I'm sorry but just because your butthurt doesn't mean you can treat Neteyam and I like this." I point out. "You know why my parents took you in don't you?" he asks and I raise my eyebrow, "Because of Tsireya?" I ask and he looks up from his stare at the water. "Y/N you're my future mate,  you were practically bred to be with me," he says and my mouth falls agape.

"W-what?" "The Daughter of one of the greatest warriors and the village's best singer and the Oletakyatan's son. Our parents arranged this before you were even born. Everyone knew it made sense, even yourself," he says making me think of the crush I had on him. "Remember when you wanted me? You were mine first, that is before he came," "Aonung, I don't feel that way anymore," I admit. "You think feelings matter? Once were both 16 we'll be mated for life," he explains and my eyes widen thinking of how soon those dates would be, only a month or slightly more. "I'm trying to help you. Don't fall for someone who doesn't belong in your future," he finishes, walking away from me which leaves me completely dumbfounded.

I couldn't believe this, I had no say in this future set for me and I had no clue what to do. I panic beginning to breathe heavily, all the thoughts rushing through my head.

Arrangement? Whatever happened to mating for love? That's what my parents always wanted, and they agreed to have me mated with the Oletakayan's son without even asking me? I can't believe them for this. I'm angry. I crave my parents to be here so I can get answers. Trying to slow my breath, my eyes begin to shut and my head throbs as my legs give in. Then it's black.

꧁    ༆    ꧂

I open my eyes to see Neteyam and Aonung fighting each other, some of Aonung's goons are joining and Neteyam has Lo'ak on his side. "Stop," I try and shout, but they don't hear me. It's like I'm a ghost.

I'm shoved away from the scene, waking up to Kiri shaking me. "C'mon Y/N! Wake up!" she begs shaking me, and my eyes flutter open. "Oh good, I thought you were out," she sighs to herself helping me sit up, "What happened?" I ask her confused, holding my still throbbing head. "Don't ask me like I know," she says, "Here come walk with me," she says helping me stand.

I explain to her about my panic attack that led to this strange vision and then it hits me, "My mother used to talk about visions, she said Eywa gave them to her as a gift," her eyes widen, "A gift from Eywa is something beautiful," she says, "I believe she's given me one to communicate with her," she tells me and I tilt my head intrigued. "I don't know what if I'm just crazy. It was like a dream but not a dream and it felt so..real," I explain. "I understand," Kiri says taking a hold of my hands, "But you're not, Eywa blessed us with gifts." she reassures me and I smile at the idea of Eywa choosing me like that. This moment between us reassures me and I'm grateful to Kiri for her help. "I'm gonna go to breakfast now, but I'll see you for lessons," she waves at me with a smile and I wave back.

꧁    ༆    ꧂

I don't go to eat breakfast, I just can't knowing the information I've just learned. I instead go for a solo ride on my ilu.

All the plans I had made where Neteyam was beside me felt pointless. I stop my ilu in the middle of the reef, finding a rock to sit in while I continue processing my feelings.

I cry at my stupidity. Why? Why'd I fall for the most perfect boy in such short time? And why did I get my hopes up like we had a future together?

I hate crying, it's a horrible feeling so I try and shake it off.

"Are you dead?" I shout looking at the sky. "Why would you force this future onto me?" I ask choking on a small sob, letting my head fall into my knees.

I felt betrayed by my parents, it made no sense to me how they could do this. Now I know I must get over Neteyam. I have to, unless I want to get more hurt.

꧁    ༆    ꧂

1260 Words

The End

A/N: Sorry for short chapter but I'm gonna start working on the next chapter the minute this is out for a double update! Idk if I'll be able to update as frequently since my bitchass school starts tomorrow and I have my club volleyball team which takes up a hell of time to but I'll figure out time I swear. Also sorry for no Neteyam moments this chapter but dw they'll be more soon. Finally I'm gonna start adding songs to each of the chapters and the old ones that match up to the chapter, bc the stories kinda based off music, so hope y'all think that's cool. Anyways see ya'll later, Don't forget to vote and comment! Also low-key thinking of starting a Lo'ak fanfic so lemme know if any of y'all want that. Anyways this A/N is so annoying bc I keep talking so sorry bye :P


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