ᵗʰᵉ ᵗᵒˣⁱᶜ ᵗʳᵘᵗʰ

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sᴏɴɢ: ᴏᴜᴛ ᴏꜰ ᴛᴏᴜᴄʜ

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sᴏɴɢ: ᴏᴜᴛ ᴏꜰ ᴛᴏᴜᴄʜ

꧁ ༆ ꧂

𝑌/N' 𝑠 𝑃𝑂𝑉:

I wake up to the loud blaring of horns, jolting my head up. As I look down I see Neteyam laying on my chest still fast asleep and I smile. "Wake up Neyam," I whisper lightly shaking the boy awake.

His eyes flutter open as he looks around trying to figure out where exactly he is. "Shit, what time is it?" he questions and I point to the daylight still coming from the open roof in the cave. "Don't know but it's not eclipse yet which is good. I heard some horns coming from outside, should we check it out?" I ask the still drowsy boy and he nods.

We swim out and my eyes light up. "Neyam! The tulkun are here!" I tell him and his eyes widen at how many there are. "C'mon let's go!" I tell him as we hop on our ilus riding to where all the brothers and sisters go swim towards.

As we arrive I search looking for my soul sister. I bonded with her only at 12 and her name was Pikana. Finally I spot her and my eyes land on hers. Not wasting a moment, I swim over ushering Neteyam to follow me.

I dive under the water and sign to the creature before me, "Hello sister, I see you," I say to her which she copies responding the same way. "How are you?" she asks me. "We'll, I am to be mated in almost a month," I tell her making my situation sound better than it is. "Ah and I see to who," she reply's looking back to Neteyam who smiles at all the creatures surround him. "No! That's Neyam, he's a friend. I'll be mating with Aonung to become Tsahik," I sign. By signing it, I avoid the sour taste of the words in my mouth. "That is wonderful! I am hoping to mate this season for a calf," she tells me and I smile at the thought.

꧁ ༆ ꧂

The day is filled with excitement as everyone speaks with their soul creatures. Soon we leave the water for lunch and a short break from swimming.

As Neteyam and I talk to Tsireya during lunch, we notice Lo'ak staring at the tulkun with a look of want. We see him dive into the water and I look to Tsireya, "You don't think he's.." I begin, "Going to Payakan? I don't think, I know. C'mon we have to go check on him. What if something happens to him?" she says worried, already walking towards the ocean. Neteyam and I give a side glance to each other at the girl's obvious care for the boy.

We follow Tsireya and bump into Aonung on the way out who shoots a quick dirty look to Neteyam before looking at me, "Where are you all going in such a rush?" he asks us. "We think Lo'ak's going after Payakan! We have to make sure nothing happens," she explains. He looks to Tsireya then Neteyam again and finally me. "I'll come," he says and I inhale in annoyance as he invites himself, "Fine let's go," I accept and the 4 of us leave hopping onto our ilus already after the boy.

꧁ ༆ ꧂

After a while we arrive at the scene to see Lo'ak signing to the tulkun. My heart's beat increases as I see the monster that so many legends were told of. His presence and aura is intense and intimidating, even from the kelp we hide behind.

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