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Sᴏɴɢ: ʙᴀɢs, ᴄʟᴀɪʀᴏ ꧁    ༆    ꧂

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Sᴏɴɢ: ʙᴀɢs, ᴄʟᴀɪʀᴏ

꧁ ༆ ꧂

𝑌/𝑁 ' 𝑠 𝑃𝑂𝑉:

The day that started off with an interesting trip, ended in a panic. After we returned Kiri home safely we all went home since we weren't allowed in the Sully's pod. I consistently worry thinking about this situation.

My newest and one of my only friends was is a coma which I could have warned her about. Tsireya and I lurked around the Sully's home trying to hear some sort of good sign but, there was only prayers from her mother Neytiri and cries from little Tuk.

Eventually Tsireya and I headed home to try and get some sleep before the sun rose. Paralyzed with worry, I can't sleep and before I know it I just lie awake staring at the roof all night.

The night was almost past but no one slept, everyone worried for the girl.

꧁ ༆ ꧂

Soon, morning comes and Tsireya wakes up from besides me to loud and strange noises from outside the hut. With just a glance at each other, we rush out of bed to check it out.

Exiting our home we see Toruk Makto waving to some demon machine ushering it to come closer. Tsireya's and my eyes widen with wonder as we step closer to the machine before Neteyam steps in front of us, "Careful! Back up!" He warns us making eye contact with me, his dark circles showing me that he too, had a restless night.

We follow his orders as he stands besides us watching the scene. The 3 of us stand far away watching all sorts of machines be carried into the pod with fake Na'vi carrying them. I peak at Neteyam who bites his lip, it's an action I see him constantly do when he's nervous. I slyly grab his hand and pull him besides me to comfort the boy who smiles at this.

Only a moment later we see Ronal walk towards the hut and her eyes stop at me, making me let go of Neteyam's hand. "Y/N! Join me, let me show you one of the duties of Tsahìk," she calls me over, I glance at Neteyam's confused face, mouthing a sorry before rushing to join her.

As we enter the pod we see many machines all connecting to Kiri's motionless body. Ronal inhales while annoyed saying, "I see I am not needed here," before trying to exit. "You are Tsahìk!" Neytiri who looks fully stressed, hisses at her. "Out! You have done nothing!" Neytiri angrily shouts at the two men who begin packing up to leave.

"Y/N hold this," Ronal commands as she hands me a basket of the tools needed to perform her operation. Once again my vision is proven to be true as I watch the Tsahìk begin pricking Kiri's stomach with needles and she blows out of her hands.

She continues her operation until finally, we hear a breath from the girl and a sigh of relief exits my body while I watch the girl slowly rise up. "Oh Kiri," her mother cries rushing to her side, "Thank you! Thank you!" She bows to Ronal and me gratefully. Ronal nods her head to the woman before we exit the hut.

Neteyam's eyes light up as he see's me walk out smiling, "Neyam! She's awake sh-" I begin before being cut off by Ronal putting a hand up giving me a questioning look at the nickname I've given to the boy. I lower my eyes down from the boy and walk back home with Ronal who lectures me the moment I enter our home.

"Y/N, I do not like how openly friendly you are with that boy." she begins, "Ronal I understand and you are correct. We are friendly nothing more, I know my future," I reassure her and she nods her head. "Alright I am putting my trust into you, do not break what I have just given you," she warns me, "You're excused," she then shoos me off and I quickly rush out of the house seeing Neteyam and Tsireya waiting for me.

"What was that about?" Neteyam asks me and I shake my head, "Nothing it's just Ronal wants me to see how hard it is being Tsahik...because I uh- called it easy?" I completely lie which earns me a confused look from Neteyam, "Um okay, how much sleep did you get last night?" he worries probably seeing the bags under my eyes. "Doesn't matter," I say suspiciously, "Go see Kiri, I'm gonna go for a swim," I smile at him.

꧁ ༆ ꧂

The ride to the cove keeps me awake as water splashes in my face. After finally arriving to what feels more like home to me now, I nod off  before hearing loud splashes from the water. I jolt my body up and hiss at the intruder picking up a sharp crystal from the floor.

I see a figure coming towards me and raise the crystal in front of me, "Stay back or I cut!" I warn, squinting as the sun blocks my view. "Whoa, whoa easy it's just me," I hear, my eyes finally focus on him, realizing it's Neteyam. "Oh it's just you," I say letting out a breath of relief. "How'd you realize I was here?" I ask him, "I saw you heading towards the direction and assumed." he tells me while we walk around the cave, our shoulders brushing together as we walk.

"What's wrong? You seem off today, is it because of Kiri?" he questions me. We sit in a dark corner of the cave and I begin to cuddle up next to him. "I'm just tired and I feel guilt for what happened to her," I explain to him. "It's not you're fault, Y/N," he whispers to me, pulling me close.

I yawn, "You don't know that, you don't know a lot about me actually, what I've been hiding," I admit hiding my face in his braided hair. "I know one thing, if you don't tell me something, it's for a reason. I'd like to know things but only if you're ready to tell me," he says holding my head with his hand. "I don't like secrets, or lies but I'm too sleepy to even think about them right now," he says.

"Thank you," I mumble. "Did you get any sleep?" Neteyam asks me, and I shake my head. "Not even a minute," I tell him, "I was too worried for Kiri to even think about it either," he informs me. "I'm glad she's okay," I say and he nods after yawning, letting his head rest on my shoulder.

"Can we stay like this for a moment?" I ask him wondering if this could be the last time we're here together. "My Neyam?" I ask looking down and seeing the boy completely asleep on my shoulder. I smile laying my head on top of his. Letting myself fall asleep besides him.

Moments like this I know I will cherish when I'm mated to Aonung. These small moments of teenage love will be stuck in my mind until my soul is returned to Eywa. Soon Kiri will be better and once she is I'll have no reason to not tell Neteyam. I'm waiting for the right time, which hopefully is as far away as possible.

꧁ ༆ ꧂

1220 Words
The End
A/N: This chapter is short and boring but next chapter will be out tomorrow night and then another on Sunday! It'll get more exciting after this chapter I promise this one just had to be done but at least I added a cute like moment. Anyways I decided I'm gonna make 15 chapters total and have each of them planned out and then the story will sadly be completed ☹️ I'll write more stories like this after so be sure to follow to check them out soon! Please vote and comment! Love you all! 💕


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