The Silent Road Trip: A Mysterious Journey to Nevermore

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The silence in the car was oppressive, broken only by the occasional bump and groan. The strange sounds seemed to come from the trunk, and Wednesday couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. When she asked Enid if it was "that time of the month," her friend's response only added to the unease. Tears in her eyes, Enid denied making the noise, and Wednesday's suspicion grew.

The trunk was lifted slowly, revealing the luggage, when suddenly a cough was heard. Wednesday spotted her younger brother, Pugsley, staring at her from one of the suitcases.

"What the hell are you doing here, Pugsley?" she asked with a mix of surprise and irritation.

"I asked Mom and Dad if we could go to Nevermore, but they said it was up to you. I knew you'd say no, so I snuck off on my own. Please don't be mad," Pugsley explained.

Enid, who was also present, looked at Wednesday and then back at Pugsley before realizing the situation. "We have to go back home right now," Wednesday declared.

Enid objected, pointing out that it was a seven-hour drive back, with an additional twelve hours on the road, and she was prone to car sickness. She winked at Pugsley, who understood.

The trio journeyed towards Nevermore, with Pugsley and Enid engaging in most of the conversation. Meanwhile, Wednesday grew increasingly agitated or envious, depending on how you looked at it. She struggled for six hours to speak to Enid but found herself unable to express the right words, unlike her effortlessly articulate brother.

It was perplexing to her how two individuals who were raised by the same people in the same place could be so vastly different. Wednesday found solace in texting since it allowed her to communicate in ways that were usually challenging for her.

At the sight of the "Welcome to Jericho" sign, Wednesday breathed a sigh of relief, knowing she could finally begin the second book in her novel series. Despite having the entire summer, she had been unable to write anything and attributed it to the surroundings. She believed her dorm room, with all its distractions, was a more conducive environment for writing.

As they arrived at the school, they observed numerous students gathering their belongings and preparing to embark on their academic journey. The trio proceeded to the Headmaster's former office to enroll Pugsley.

"Mom, you were aware of his plans, weren't you?" Wednesday asked, folding her arms and tossing her phone to the ground, where it shattered into pieces.

Enid retrieved the shattered phone and examined it. "Wens," she said, holding the ruined device.

"I don't care. I don't need technology. It's the reason I haven't been able to write," Wednesday retorted.

Enid began to tear up and fled from the room, followed by Thing. Pugsley watched his sister's distress and knew she had made a grave mistake.

The door opened with a creak, revealing the Headmaster's office. "Sheriff? What brings you here?" she asked, bewildered.

The Sheriff's eyes filled with tears as he spoke. "After everything that happened with Tyler, I realized that it's all my fault. When he tried to escape last year, I caught him in the 'Gates' mansion and shot him. I shot my own son. I had him cremated, just in case. But now, I understand that if I had been more accepting of outcasts, my son would still be with us. That's why I applied to be the headmaster. It's about time you had a human one, don't you think?"

Wens expressed her sympathy for the Sheriff's loss, and he welcomed Pugsley, whose paperwork was already complete.

As they spoke, a knock sounded at the door, and Eugene entered the room. Wednesday greeted him, and they exchanged pleasantries. "Can you take Pugsley on a tour of the school? He's new and could use a warm welcome," the Headmaster requested.

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