Love, Loss, and a Girls' Night: Enid's Struggle with Jealousy and Identity

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Wednesday sneaks back into the dorm room where Enid was Pretending to sleep. But instead, she slid under her covers and pulled out her phone with a smile still on her face from what just happened.

"I know this may sound sudden, but do you want to go on a date?" Wednesday typed, hesitating to press send. Instead, she closed her eyes and tapped on the screen. Text bubbles started popping up and disappearing.

"I would love to, but let's stay in Jericho!"

"Okay, Red heart emoji."

Enid sat up and looked at Wednesday, who was so involved in her phone she didn't notice the girl being up. She put on her slippers and walked outside for some fresh air.

"Why am I doing this? I thought I was okay with Wednesday having another friend, but something is nagging me, and I don't know what it is." Enid said, yelling in the middle of the woods, trying to let her frustration out

"Maybe something isn't right with Ava. My mom did say wolfs can detect deceit in people; maybe she's up to no good. I sound like a crazy person talking to myself alone in the woods."

"You don't sound crazy?" someone in the shadows said

"Whoever you are, I'm going to claw your eyes out if you don't get out here right now," Enid said in a defensive stance and nails out.

"Hey, kitty, don't get so angry," the girl said, walking from around the tree.

Enid's face was frozen. She didn't know how to process what she was seeing. "Hope?"

"I didn't think you would remember my name,"

"what are you doing here? I thought you lived in New York."

"I did until my wife got a position at Nevermore. What a small world, am I right."

"I guess. What are you doing in the woods?" Enid asked

"I can ask you the same question, and it's okay to be jealous. Your friend seems nice, and who wouldn't want to be with her."

"I'm not jealous. I'm not even into girls; something isn't right with this girl."

"Enid is your name, right."

She shook her head

"Enid, I want you to look at yourself and think about what's bothering you about your friend being with this girl Ava. Is it that she won't have more time with you, or do you not want to share her? Come back to me when you have the answer, and we can talk about anything you want." Hope said, turning into a wolf and running into the woods, leaving Enid speechless.

"How the hell did she turn without an ounce of pain or scream and did it like it was nothing? Instead, she turned on-demand, something that shouldn't be possible.

Enid went back to her room to evaluate her feelings about everything. Was Hope right, or was Enid right?

She saw Wednesday putting on her socks and looking at her phone on the bed.

"where did you go?" Wednesday asked

"Why do you care? You too busy texting your new girlfriend?"

Wednesday looked at Enid. "Hey, that's not fair; you told me to go back to Ava, and I did; you can't act jealous anytime I have someone in my life; it's exhausting. You did it with Tyler, Xavier, and now with Enid. You made it clear you don't like me like that, but you are acting like we're dating or something."

"I'm sorry, I don't know what Wednesday is. I'm happy for you. You can have a relationship like Ajax and me, and that's all I want for you, but I am jealous. I'm jealous that you won't have time for me anymore." Enid said, sitting next to her friend

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