Discovering Friendship and Love in the City That Never Sleeps

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The city that never sleeps seems so quiet on this beautiful morning, as people are already complaining about their day. Two girls are lying next to each other, enjoying the presence of each other. They both have been awake for a little while but not wanting to leave just yet.

"Weens you up."

"yea peanut"

Enid turns her body and looks at Wednesday; she is a mere inch away from her. "Thank you,"

"for what?"

"for everything, I don't know how I would have gotten through the summer without you and then you do this for me when I have been such an asshole."

"you haven't been an asshole?"

"Don't lie, I know I have. freaking over you having a new friend. not talking to you for days and then you drop her and take me here and I've had the second best day of my life."


"Wednesday," Enid whined

"I wondered why you were acting weird when I became friends with Ava, but I didn't know why It hurt you so I stopped, you happiness is the most important thing to me beating torturing Pugsley."

"my happiness is above torturing Pugsley."

Wednesday shook her head, and tears started forming in Enid's eyes. She ran into the bathroom and locked the door leaving Wednesday staring at the door. What could she have done wrong this time?

Enid looked in the mirror and just let the tears flow. "I'm a horrible person," she kept telling herself as she heard knocks on the door.

"Enid, please open this door; talk to me."

The door swung open, and Wednesday saw Enid crying.

"I'm sorry if I said something that upset you, Enid."

"I'm a horrible person Weens, I couldn't let you have a single friend, I'm a selfish, self centered as"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence, one I choose not to be friends with Ava, if it wasn't for you I don't think I would have known about my sexuality and there is no one who I rather be friends with anyways."

Enid hugged Wednesday and didn't say anything just held her.

"how about we go get breakfast?"

Enid shook her head


Wednesday wanted to order food from the hotel, but Enid convinced her to go somewhere; they found a popular diner a few blocks from where they were.

"ready to go weens?"

"yea Peanut"

"why do you call me that?"

"I mean, you want me to tell you the truth or a sweet one."

"tell me the truth."

"Over the summer, you started me Weens, I didn't like it at first."

"your a liar."

"can I finish"

Enid nodded

"I wanted to come up with something for you, but your name makes it hard I'm not going to call you 'Ennnn," so then I remembered that you're a wolf and what do dogs like"

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