Lost Friendships and New Beginnings: Enid and Wednesday's Reconciliation

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Three days, six hours, and fifty minutes since Enid talked to Wednesday. She stayed in Yoko's room while her roommate was having a movie sleepover. She waited months to feel her friend's touch, and this girl, out of the blue, was already sleeping in her bed.

"I'm not jealous; you know it's just I put so much effort into our sweet little friendship; it seems like it doesn't even matter since Ava came around. Why is she so special?because she likes blood and funerals? I thought I was enough. Without that. Who wants a clone bff" Enid said, moving on the bed as it cracked slightly

"be careful Enid ever since you turned you have more strength and I don't think the bed can handle your gay panic." Yoko said

"Hey I'm not, I'm with Ajax and I don't want to be with Wednesday I just want her to treat me like a person."

Yoko shook her head, but it wasn't the right time to bring it up.

"you know I love having you here, but when are you going back to your room, Ava is already back in hers what are you waiting for?"

"am I that bad of a guest?" Enid said sarcastically

"No but I can't kiss you!" Yoko said laughing

Enid shook her head, "I get it; you want alone time with your girlfriend. I'm going back today. Thank you for letting me crash here and for listening to me bitch.

"I mean you did show up here naked, in the middle of the night."

"right, I will wash your pj's and give them back," Enid said, grabbing her phone and slowing walking back to her room, dreading every step she made. When she first met Wednesday, there was an excellent first month where the two didn't quite get along, but Enid was thrilled being her roommate, then something changed.

Two knocks on the door, and Enid apparently walked in to see Wednesday typing a new novel.

The clicking stopped, "Enid."

"Hi Wednesday"

"where were you, Ajax, all weekend? I was wondering why you didn't come back," Wednesday said with a concerned face and her arms folded softly.

"no need to worry about me when you have a new best friend," Enid said, walking into the bathroom to not hear Wednesday's response.

She looked in the mirror and felt her heart racing; she was scared of what Wednesday would say, so she didn't listen to it. Then, a knock on the door, and Enid ignored it, turning the shower water on. And her sad playlist and cried. Was she being too emotional, she thought, or why was she feeling this?

Wednesday just stared at the door with water filling her eyes; she didn't usually cry, but seeing Enid look at her the way she did hurt. She had a lot of fun watching movies with Ava, but if it were going to hurt Enid, she would stop being her friend, even if it meant watching Enid be happy with Ajax and her be alone.

"Hey Ava I had a lot of fun this weekend but I can't be your friend or anything else."

Past *

The horror movie marathon ended, and there was this silence across the room; neither girl spoke for a minute. Then, finally, Wednesday looked over at Ava, who was now inches away from her, and she couldn't help but lean in, and the two kissed. It lasted a few seconds, and it felt great at the moment. But regret washed over Wednesday's face.

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