A Love That Transcends Time

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As Wednesday waited for Enid to return to the call, an uneasy sense of dread began to creep over her. Time seemed to stretch on endlessly as she anxiously glanced at the empty screen, her heart pounding in her chest like a relentless drum.

Suddenly, the deafening silence was shattered by blood-curdling screams, and a shadowy figure appeared on her screen, sending a chill down Wednesday's spine. The screen went black, leaving her in a suffocating darkness, her worst fears coming to life.

With a newfound resolve burning in her chest, Wednesday knew she had to save the love of her life. She wasted no time gathering her belongings and setting off on a mission to find Enid, using every resource and connection at her disposal.

Her journey took her to the darkest corners of the world, through danger and intrigue that seemed to lurk around every turn. But nothing could deter her from her quest. With each step she took, Wednesday felt the bond between her and Enid growing stronger, guiding her closer to her destination like a beacon in the night.

As she stepped into Enid's house, a sense of foreboding washed over her. Something was terribly wrong. The unsettling atmosphere weighed heavily upon her, making her skin crawl. As she cautiously ventured further inside, a sudden, brutal blow to the back of her head sent her falling unconscious in front of Enid.

Enid screamed at the sight, her eyes wide with terror. The girl responsible for the attack stood over Wednesday's body, a sinister grin stretching across her face, her intentions clear and malevolent.

Wednesday's eyes fluttered open, her vision blurred and disoriented. As her surroundings came into focus, she realized her hands were bound, and a weak smile crept across her face upon seeing Enid sitting across from her, equally restrained.

"Are you okay?" Enid asked, her eyes filled with concern as they scanned the blood smeared on Wednesday's face.

"I'm fine, how are you?" Wednesday responded, her voice barely audible as she heard heavy footsteps descending the staircase.

"Don't worry, I didn't touch a single hair on your wolf's head," Lily taunted, a menacing grin on her face as she held a baseball bat in her hand.

"I'm going to rip your head off and feed it to my butler," Wednesday growled, her anger boiling over.

"I was waiting for you to threaten me. I've heard it could be the most terrifying thing I'd ever hear. But looking at you, tied to that chair and helpless, with a bat in my hand, I'm not so frightened," Lily sneered, her cold gaze shifting between Enid and Wednesday.

"What do you want from us? If you want to do something, do it to me," Wednesday pleaded, her heart pounding in her chest.

"Don't worry, I will do something to you. But first, I'll make sure you suffer. I can't let you get away with what you did to my mother. My revenge will be sweet. I'll start with your little puppy here, kill her right in front of you, so you know what it's like to lose someone you love. Then, I'll end your life and go to everyone who knows your name and kill them."

"You're going to be killing for your whole life. Everyone knows my name," Wednesday spat defiantly.

Lily's rage surged, and in a swift motion, she hurled a knife from her back pocket into Enid's chest. Enid gasped, her body instinctively attempting to transform, but the IV drip pumping wolfsbane into her bloodstream held her in check.

Wednesday screamed in horror, her heart shattering as she watched Enid struggle.

Lily laughed sadistically. "I don't even know who your mother is!"

"She was your therapist for four months, and you're going to tell me you don't know who she is?" Lily hissed, her eyes narrowing in contempt.

Realization struck Wednesday like a lightning bolt—she was the doctor's daughter.

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