𝙞𝙞. spanish 101

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The Little Mermaid
chapter two



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chapter two.
spanish 101.


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IT HAD BEEN TWO WEEKS SINCE MEETING JEFF. Things were awkward for the most part. He was still actively flirting with her and it was starting to affect her relationship. Despite Mack's jealousy over the situation, he was still happy to drop Elina off at college. He pulled into the parking lot with ease, parking just in front of the building. "I can't make lunch today," he reminded the blonde, reaching over and taking her hair between his fingers. She pouted. "I know. It's alright."

He gave her hair a mild tug, a small smile replacing her once sad expression. She slid over to his side once she was out of her seatbelt. Her arms instinctively wound around his neck. "Thanks for the ride," she hummed before planting her mouth on his. He mimicked her actions, one hand coming to cup her face.

Ever since she had gotten home, she's felt rather needy. She wrapped herself around Mack to cease their arguing and to satiate her need. She wanted to blame it on Jeff. His flirting had made her feel guilty. How could she allow a man to flirt with her when she's taken?

His tongue prodded her lips, splitting them apart. A content sigh fell from her lips. If they hadn't been in a public place, she would have climbed over him. She would have deepened the kiss and succumbed to the need to be near him. But they weren't alone, they were in front of her school.

Their mouths disconnected with a pop. Saliva shone over their lips. "Love you," she sighed, wiping her thumb over his bottom lip. Pecking him once more, she forced herself to exit his truck. A big smile beamed across her soft features.

THE LITTLE MERMAID ━━ Jeff WingerWhere stories live. Discover now