𝙫𝙞. football, feminism, and you

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The Little Mermaid
chapter six



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chapter six.
football, feminism, and you.


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                    IT WAS ROUTINE AT THIS POINT TO REACH THE STUDY ROOM JUST IN TIME TO RUN INTO JEFF. He was quick to push open the door and wave her in with a soft, "after you". Inside the study room was Troy and Annie studying. It was strange to see the room being used to actually study rather than as a hang out spot.

          "A movie of the week," Jeff blurted out as he sat his books down. Reaching over, he tugged out Elina's chair for her. "You're being a gentleman today," she commented, setting her things onto the table. "What are you implying?" he replied teasingly. She unzipped her bag and took out a bag of chips Troy had requested over the weekend. When he got his answer right and approached the table, she tossed it to him.

          "Thank you, Elina," he hummed, flashing the blonde a smile. Abed stopped where Britta usually sits and made eye contact with her. Instinctively, she pulled out a bag of fun size 3 Musketeers and held it out for him to take. He took them with a hint of a smile. "Thank you." She nodded, pleased to see her boys happy. "As far as I'm concerned, there's only one black hole worth studying."

          Jeff and Elina shared a look as they sat down. In her hand was something specifically for Jeff, something he hadn't even asked for. Her thumb ran along the edge of the paper before she reached over and placed it on his leg. Her cheeks ran hot as she averted her gaze to the old man, awaiting his clarification.

          "It's called Sagittarius A," he stated, smiling to himself. "It's located in the center of our galaxy, and it has the density of forty suns." Elina's brows shot up in surprise. Pierce had said something smart for once, and not perverted. "Wait for it," he whispered, his hand hiding Elina's present from view. "Just like my wiener."

THE LITTLE MERMAID ━━ Jeff WingerWhere stories live. Discover now