𝙞𝙭. debate 109

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The Little Mermaid
chapter nine



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chapter nine.
debate 109.

                    "HEY, HOTSHOT

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                    "HEY, HOTSHOT. You missed study group," came Jeff's voice as he hurried behinds Elina's retreating form. She cast a glance over her shoulder for a moment before slowing her pace. "I know. Britta and I got into this huge argument this morning, so I needed some space," she replied, softly. Arms hooked around her books. Jeff snorted. "She called me pointy face." Curiously, Elina turned to face Jeff with scrutinizing eyes. After a beat of silence, she nodded her head and hummed. "You do have sharp features."

          His eyes rolled immediately in response. "Yeah, whatever. What did she say to you?" he asked. Her lips pulled down into a small pout. But before she could reply, the dean and Annie were rushing at them. The brunette beamed at her friend. "Hey, you weren't in study group earlier," she stated, eyes locked on the blonde. Elina offered her an apologetic smile. "We don't have time for that right now. Mr. Winger, did you hear my morning announcement?" the dean asked. Jeff glanced toward Elina for help, but the blonde only smiled.

          "I hang on every word," he answered sarcastically. The dean didn't seem to find his sarcasm funny. "I assume that's sarcasm," he replied. Jeff only grinned. "Correct."

"So you didn't hear my announcement?" he asked. Elina pouted. "I heard your announcement," she chimed in. Her words went unnoticed by the dean. She wasn't his object of focus at the moment. "I'm barely listening now," Jeff admitted. Annie huffed. They were getting nowhere with Jeff. She pushed herself between the dean and Jeff, halting all movements of the parties involved with the conversation.

THE LITTLE MERMAID ━━ Jeff WingerWhere stories live. Discover now