𝙞𝙞𝙞. introduction to film

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The Little Mermaid
chapter three



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chapter three.
introduction to film.


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LACK OF SLEEP IS NOT EXACTLY A GOOD LOOK FOR ELINA. Though seeing her snooze sure was cute, as stated by Shirley. Asleep, she's reminiscent of a kitten: peaceful and precious. But once her eyes open and she's disrupted, the claws come out. Which was a big reason why she had remembered to bring ear plugs.

          Everyone, except for Elina, sat and watched as Pierce attempted to set up a voice command on his phone. He repeated the two word phrase over and over in different tones, but the device was not listening. Her frustration finally bubbling over, Britta smacked her hand against the table.

          Annie and Shirley both gasped, turning toward the snoozing blonde. Her eyelids fluttered for a brief moment, but she did not stir. Britta offered them a slight apologetic look. She then turned toward Pierce, sucking in a breath to calm herself. "Would you please use the buttons?" she asked him politely.

          Pierce stared at her for a moment. "Okay, grandpa," he replied sarcastically. Britta's fingers curled into two, tight fists. Before she could respond in any way, Troy sneezed. Surprise etched itself across every one of their faces. "Oh. God bless you, dear," Shirley said, her tone teasing. Annie giggled.

          "What's so funny?" Troy asked. Once again, Elina seemed to stir. She picked up her head just enough to resituate her hand under her cheek into a more comfortable position. The room fell quiet in anticipation. "You guys, I found it," Jeff declared, entering the room from the opposite side.

THE LITTLE MERMAID ━━ Jeff WingerWhere stories live. Discover now