𝙞𝙫. social psychology

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The Little Mermaid
chapter four



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chapter four.
social psychology.

                    SHE KNEW THAT SHE HAD TO TELL HIM

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                    SHE KNEW THAT SHE HAD TO TELL HIM. What kind of person would she be if she kept the fact Jeff had kissed her from her significant other? And she did. She told him everything, from the carpe diem professor to the kiss. She explained everything like she was in a police station being interrogated.

          Mack had reacted somewhat reasonably. He believed that she hadn't expected it, and that she felt awful. And because of that, he's been making sure she remembers just who she's in a relationship with. Elina wasn't sure how she felt about the constant arm around her, or the touching when no one was around. She was suffocating, slowly.

          She fell quiet as the two pulled up to Greendale. Mack shut off his truck and unbuckled his belt. "I'll walk you to class," he offered, already opening his door. Elina stayed silent as she unbuckled and climbed out of his truck. "You don't have to, Mack. I can get there on my own."

          He rounded the truck and took hold of her hand. Their fingers instantly laced together while his arm swung around her shoulder. "I know. But I want to get a look at this Jeff guy," he admitted, scanning the area around them. Her eyes widened at his admission. "Why? I've.. I already took care of it! It won't happen again!"

          "He's still in your study group," Mack argued. "He obviously has a thing for you. So, I'm just going to make sure he knows that you're not available." She wriggled her hand free from his and turned to face him. A pout sat on her face. "It's okay. Nothing like that is going to happen again," she tried to reassure him, but he wasn't listening to her.

THE LITTLE MERMAID ━━ Jeff WingerWhere stories live. Discover now