𝙭𝙞. the politics of human sexuality

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The Little Mermaid
chapter eleven



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chapter eleven.
the politics of human sexuality.

                    SEX, SEX, SEX

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                    SEX, SEX, SEX. That's all anyone's talking about on campus thanks to Annie's STD Fair. And while Elina is happy Annie's spreading information on an important subject, she can't help but be annoyed with the timing. It's been months since she and Mack had broken up and sex wasn't in her timetable anymore. It wasn't even a word in her vocabulary anymore. She followed Britta into the study room with a slight pout, her fingers ripping into a honey bun package.

"Hey, guys, Jeff and I are double-dating tonight with my new girlfriend," Pierce announced as the women entered the room. Elina sat in her seat, a confused expression fluttering across her face. Annie and Shirley both cooed at the news. Jeff looked equally as confused as the blonde sitting next to him. "You got that from I doubt it?" he asked incredulously.

"Pierce has got a girlfriend," Shirley cheered. She continued to giggle as Pierce ducked his head shyly. It was weird to see him acting like a little school girl. "That's great. What does she do?" Britta asked. Elina bit into the now open honey bun. Her blue eyes were focused on the old man sitting across from her. "She's an escort," he answered and Elina swallowed. The soft bread lodged itself in her throat and she coughed.

          Heads turned toward the blonde as she choked on her food. Jeff was quick to start patting her back, hoping to help. But as her face began to turn red, Britta was out of her chair. This was humiliating. Death by honey bun. Elina shook her head as she struggled to swallow the bite down. "Up you go," Britta spoke carefully, helping Elina stand. "Anybody got some water?" she asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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